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FY 2017 Base Budget = $4.5 Billion
Solutions for WV Budget Crisis:
Governor’s FY 2017 Appropriated Budget = $12.5 Billion
Over 2/3 supports education and health human services
Solutions for closing the budget gap
$350 Million in Cuts: Here's what may have to go...
higher education grant programs and HEAPS $44 Million
$350 Million
And Finally...
$25 Million in cuts to CTCs
Bureau of Senior Services - $63 Million
$14 Million
Dept of Commerce
$10 Million
$52 Million
$48 Million
Public Health Departments - $13 Million
West Virginia's Budget Crisis:
Finding a Prosperous Path
Persistent budget holes
education & arts $31 Million
$51 Million
PCC Meeting - Huntington Housing Authority - Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Not enough Revenue to cover costs
How did the WV budget get to crisis stage?
source: West Virginia State Budget Office
Source: West Virginia State Budget office. *there are no official estimates for FY 2018 budget gap
How much is the state budget?
How does the budget touch our lives?
Presented by
tara martinez, POC
West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy
www.wvpolicy.org @WVCBP
What is driving WV's revenue problem?
Severance taxes declining, especially natural gas
WV collected around $170 million less in FY 2016 compared to FY 2015
Decline in coal extraction
Source: West Virginia Dept. of Revenue
Lowest coal tonnage in 100 years
Revenue Options: Closing $300 - $400 Gap
health care
(In Millions)
higher education
620,000– receive health care coverage (Medicaid/CHIP).
277,000– children enrolled in K-12 public school system in West Virginia.
36,000 – miles of road overseen by the West Virginia Department of Highways.
88,000– number of students enrolled in public higher education institutions in West Virginia.
Source: West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy and WV Tax Department
Source: West Virginia State Budget Office, FY 2017 Executive Budget