History of Medical Imaging
X-Ray Tomography
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
A Little Review...
- First Clinically used in the 1970's
- Super neat! No ionizing radiation is used for these exams, only sound waves!
- Great imaging modality for non-invasive imaging of the abdomen, masses found on breasts and imaging a fetus during pregancy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- In the 1940's, x-ray tomography was introduced, allowing certain structures of the body to be imaged without over or underlying tissues to be displayed.
- How these images were obtained was by rotating the x-ray tube so only the area of interest stayed in focus during tube rotation.
- Evolved in the 1970's
- Another modality that does not use ionizing radiation to aquire images
- Superconducting magnets came onto the scene in the 80-90's starting with 1.5 Tesla and now up to a 3 Tesla
- Tesla is a measurement of the earth's magnetic field
- Who is this fellow?
- What day did he discover X-ray's?
- What type of tube was he using?
Fun Fact: Earth's magnetic field is .00005 Tesla which means a 1.5 Tesla magnet has a field strength 30,000 times stronger!
Nuclear Medicine
Fluoroscopy (1920's)
Computed Tomography
- Computers started to integrate into the medical imaging world in the 1970's with the arrival of Computed Tomography
- Was the first modality to aquire multiple tomographic images/slices of the brain to be viewed.
- Allowed structures of the body to be viewed that are superimposed when using conventional x-ray
Now for some fun! Focus on the word fun here...
- Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen
- November 8, 1895
- Was working with an early cathode ray ray tube called a Crooke's tube
- As the potential to make the x-ray beam more powerful, the ability to visualize patient motion became possible
- Radiologist's started giving patients radio-opaque barium to observe the GI tract on film
- Allowed diagnosis of cancers of the esophagus, stomach and bowel as well as ulcers diverticulitis and appendicitis
Bradley, W. G. (2008). Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. 152, No. 3, pp. 349-361. American Philosophical Society. Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/40541591
- Came on to the scene for diagnostic imaging in the 1950's
- Nuclear medicine tests use the source of x-rays in radioactive compounds, instead of coming from an x-ray tube. Radiopharmaceuticals are taken intravenously or orally. An external detector such as a gamma camera capture and form images from the radiation emitted by the radiopharmaceuticals.
- Modern tests in Nuc Med include the Positron Emission Tomography Scan (PET Scan)
Fun Fact....
Radiologist's wore red goggles to minimize the time needed to read the dim images