Annotated Works Consulted Page
Result of the quest
- -If the quest is done, the Grail knights either return to normal life, to live as Christ’s knights in the world, or sail to Sarraz to die.
- Varying account of Grail hero:
- Perceval, the story of the Grail and Wolfram von Eschenbach's poem, Parzival:
- Percival
- Queste del Saint Graal(Quest of the Holy Grail):
- Galahad, Percival, and Bors(died)
Quest for Holy Grail
Amy Han G block
What was the significance of the Holy Grail for the knights and what was the result of the quest?
Why are they on this quest?
- "Christ died for the knights and they must be willing to die for him"
- following applies to the King
- if they die for Christ, it is an honor
- also renowned as a warrior
- by spreading true faith, they conquer the forces of evil
- salvation
- will go to heaven when one dies fighting for God
Who were on the Quest for Holy Grail?
- King Arthur and 12 knights of the round table whom are: Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawin, Sir Geraint, Sir Gareth, Sir Gaheris, Sir Bedivere, Sir Galahad, Sir Kay, Sir Bors de Ganis, Sir Lamorak, Sir Tristan, Sir Percivale
- said to resemble the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ
What is the Holy Grail?
- have mysterious and magical power:
Who were on the quest for Holy Grail?
- commonly assumed that knights were Templars
- difference is that even though knights may take vows, they have more freedom
- Grail legends, Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival and other legends based on it, states that Templars were the ones on the quest
Why are they on this quest?
- to heal and improve health of King Arthur
- King Arthur was mortally wounded during a fight with Sir Mordred
- to end the evil that is troubling Arthur's kingdom
- Knights are suppose to tell the true and full account of their adventures when they return to court
What is the Holy Grail
- originates from the word graal or greal
- said to be a chalice(drinking cup) used by Jesus Christ in Last Supper
- said the grail was brought to England by St. Joseph of Arimathea