Eon-> Era-> Period-> Epoch
Step 3
Paleozoic Era: 543-248 Mya
November 18th thru December 11th
Phanerozoic Eon: 543-present
November 18th to December 31
- First fish
- First land plant
- Pangaea breaks apart
- Mass extinction 90% extinction
- Hard shell animals
- Water covered earth
- Cambrian expolosion (lots of new life
- Climate warm and wet
Cambrian Period: 543-490 Mya
- Animals showed dramatic diversification
- Seed p
Proterozoic Era
*Precambrian Eon: 4,600-543 million years ago (Mya)
January 1st to November 18th
Archaean Era
- Stromatolites
- First animal (Invertabrates)
- red and green algae
- oceans formed
Hadean Era: 4,550-3,800 Mya
- Prokaryotes/single cell organisms
- Toxic air
- Tectonic activity
- Pangea Formed
- Dinosuars ruled first bird
- First birds
- 90%