- Unoccupied: When the child is not playing just observing.
- Solitary: When the child is alone and maintains this status by being focused on it's activity.
- Onlooker: Child watches others at play but does not engage in it.
- Parallel: The child plays seperately from others but close to them and mimicking their actions.
- Associative: Child is interested in the people but not in the activity they are doing.
- Cooperative: The child is interested in both the people playing and in the activity they are doing.
- According to Parten as children become older, improving their communication skills, and as opportunites for peer interaction become more common, the nonsocial types of play become less common, and social types become more common. Mildred mainly focused on social development of 2-5 year olds occurs in a three-step sequence.
Six Different Types of Play
- Unoccupied
- Solitary
- Onlooker
- Parallel
- Associative
- Cooperative
Howard Gardner: Born on July 11,1943. In Scantron Pennsylvania.
- He completed his post-secondary education at Harvard, earning his undergraduate degree in 1965 and his Ph.D. in 1971. Howard had originally planned to study law, however he was inspired by the works of Jean Piaget to study developmental psychology.
- In 1983, he published Frames of Mind which outlined his theory of multiple intelligences.
- He has recieved honorary degrees from twenty-nine colleges and universities such as, Bulgaria, Chile, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Italy, South Korea and Spain.
- •1981, MacArthur Prize Fellowship
- •1987, William James Award, American Psychological Association
- •1990, University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award in Education
- •2000, John S. Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship
- •2011, Prince of Asturias Award in Social Sciences
Linguistic Intelligence: Expressing what is on your mind and understanding people.
Mathematical Intelligence: Manipulate numbers, quantities, and operations.
Musical Intelligence: Being able to hear patterns, and recognize them.
Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence: Make something, solve a problem, or put on some kind of prodution.
Spatial Intelligence: Represent a spatial world internally in your mind.
Naturalistic Intelligence: Discriminate among living things and the natural world.
- Howard had the idea of Multiple Intelligences. His theory was that he wanted his children to understand the world, but not the world is fascinating and the human mind is curious. He want's them to understand that they will be positioned to make a better place. Stating that knowledge is not the same as morality, but needing to avoid the past's mistakes. We need to know who we are and what we can do. Howard ultimatly wanted to focus of synthesizing the understanding for ourselves. The performance of understanding that try matters are the ones we carry out as human beings.
- The eight multiple intelligences he brought out were:
- Visual-spatial intelligence
- Linguistic-verbal intelligence
- Mathematical intelligence
- Kinesthetic intelligence
- Musical intelligence
- Interpersonal intelligence
- Intrapersonal intelligence
- Naturalistic intelligence
Mildred Parten born in 1902
- Mildred earned her Ph.D. in sociology and was a researcher at the university of Minnesota's Institute of Child Development. She completed her doctoral dissertation in 1929 and developed the theory of five stages of child's play.
- Mildred was one of the first to conduct extensive studies on children for the case of play