Step 1 - Decide
- Decide on which person you will be representing
- Look at the Line, Color, and Texture for that person
Step 2 - Choose your MEDIA
- Choose a media to represent that person.
- It can be yarn, string, ribbon, cording - or a combination of all the above
Step 3 - Write down the MEDIA CHOSEN
- On your line, color, texture chart, describe what you chose for your person
- Do not just write down "yarn" describe it.
Linear Family Tree
Step 4 - Wrap or Knit
- Wrap, Knit, or Knot your media into your project
- If you have to get more media to complete a section, remember that for the next time.
Order of Operations
(Step-by Step Instructions)
Step 5 - REFLECT!!!
- Turn pages 19-21 in your journal and answer the questions about that section
- If your media is very different from the line, color, and texture, this is where to talk about that.
- Do this AS YOU GO!! - Do not save it for the end.
Step 1 - Decide
Step 2 - Choose Media
Step 3 - Write down media!!
Step 4 - Knit or Wrap
Step 5 - REFLECT!
Step 6 - Repeat
(return to step 1)
Step 6 - REPEAT!!!
- Go back to Step one and continue