Works Sited
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Picture 3:
- St. Anna was the Dominican mystic of Peru and referred to as the second St. Rose of Lima.
- She was beatified by Pope John Paul the II, on February 2nd 1985.
- St. Anna was also a monastery of San Catherine da Siena.
- She had started to wither from atonement where she lost her sight completely and this lead to her death.
- St. Bernard had appeared to her along with St. Nicolas.
Her life continued
(from her prayers)
- St. Catherine said to Anna, "Ana my child, I have prepared this habit for you. Leave all to God. Nothing will be wanting to you." this lead Anna's fears away leading her to the monastery of St. Catherine of Siena.
- Her ungrateful father verbally abused Anna when he found her the next morning, leading to abandonment by her father; however, her brother, a priest, helped her out with her troubles.
- Anna had many qualities that touched the hearts of the monastery community.
- Anna's courage was remarkable and she became admired by many people. Peruvians and foreigners waited and loved her prayers.
- "We thank you for the many graces you bestowed on your servant Ana of the Angels." (prayer acknowledging her)
- "Through St. Ana's prayers grant us the favor we now ask, and strength to imitate her shining example of Christian charity. (from the same prayer applying ourselves to her life)
- "Bountiful God, you gave Blessed Ann the gifts of contemplation, of penitence and of charity towards her neighbors." (different prayer talking about St. Anna)
Her life continued
Picture 2:
- Her spiritual life was modeled by St. Nickolas of Tolentine, who is the patron saint of souls.
- She once had a vision of Mary, the mother of God, seated on a golden thrown with saint Nickolas and a legion of angels beside her.
- She was conducted to purgatory where she saw St. Nickolas, and He said to her, " On Earth I helped the poor souls; I now consign that noble office to you.
- From St. Ana's charity many souls were entered into heaven.
- She had then passed away on January 10th, 1686 at the age of ninety.
St. Anna's Life
Picture 1:
- Anna's life span was 1602 - 1686 (she is also known as Ana)
- At the age of 14 Anna was withdrawn from school for an arranged marriage but she resisted this.
- She had then decided to become a Dominican nun.
- She was also appeared to by a St. Catherine of Siena, and she showed her a white habit, a diverse set of garments often worn by nuns.
St. Anna of Angels, Monteagudo
By: Hannah Reis