The Morrill Act
- 1862, The Morrill Act, also known as the Land-Grant College Act, gave federal land to establish colleges in every state.
- Provide practical education in agriculture and home economics.
- Many well known universities began as land grant colleges.
- A second Morrill Act in 1890 expanded the system.
The American Common School Period
Common Schools
One reason for the improvement in educational opportunity and quality was the influence of the Horace Mann.
- The first public state-supported schools.
- Same public education to people from different levels of society.
Normal Schools
- Hope that through teacher training, all schools would become normalized, or similar to each other to improve quality.
- To gain entrance, applicants had to take a test to show they had been properly educated.
The McGuffey's Readers
African American Education
- Textbooks became much more widely available during this time.
- Reverend William Holmes McGuffey was asked to write a textbook series on reading for primary students- McGuffey's Readers.
- Moral Lessons, reading and spelling
- Biology, literature, speech, proper behavior
- Before the Civil War very few enslaved African Americans were able to read and write. Most who learned did so in secret.
- Laws prohibited education of African Americans in the south.
- Not many African American schools existed.
- 1840s- The Oregon Trail was opened- the only practical route for people to emigrate from Independence, Missouri to the Western US.
- 1850s- Country moved closer to the internal split of the Civil War.
- 1860s- The Civil War claimed many lives in both the North and the South.
- Most American children received minimal schooling, if they received any at all. By the end of the period, education- including free public education was much more widely available.
Horace Mann
School Curriculum
The Role of Teachers
- Served as the first secretary of the State Board of Education in Massachusetts.
- Mann worked hard to establish free, public education for every boy and girl in Massachusetts.
- Successfully advocated the establishment of free libraries.
- Mann believed the schools should be nonsectarian as taxpayer dollars were the schools source of funding.
- After the Civil War, there was a real effort made by many to improve educational opportunities.
- Northern churches sent missionaries to the South to start schools.
- First African American colleges were founded, including Howard University and Spellman College for women.
- Most children were educated at home or in small county schoolhouses where one teacher taught all grades.
- Teachers were paid by community members.
- Teachers trained in normal schools were better prepared to teach.
- People had high expectations of teachers.
- More women enrolled in normal schools and entered the teacher profession. This provided an opportunity to make their own living.
- Friedrich Forebel, a German educator, developed the idea of kindergarten. Public schools began to offer kindergarten programs in the 1870s.
- Believed young children learned best through play.
- Songs and games were used in school.
- Educators and parents noticed the success of his methods and are still the foundation of what you see in kindergarten today.
Many of these efforts were short-lived.
All were hampered by the fact that most schools remained strictly segregated.
African American schools lacked the funds to provide a truly equal education for those who attend.