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. Grammatical sensitivity
Ability to recognize the grammatical functions of words in sentences. (For example: the subject and object of a sentence).
. Inductive language learning ability
Identify patterns of correspondence and relations between form and meaning. (For example: recognize that in English “to” can denote direction and “at” location).
. Rote learning ability
Ability to form and remember associations between stimuli. Important in vocabulary learning.
. Resultative motivation
Motivation is the cause of L2 achievement. However, it is also possible that motivation is the result of learning.
. Behavioural - For example, repeating new worked aloud to help you remember them.
. Mental - For example, using the linguistic or situational context to infer the meaning of a new word.
. Cognitive strategies - Involved in the analysis, synthesis or transformation of learning materials.
. Metacognitive strategies - Involved in planning, monitoring, and evaluating learning.
. Social/affective strategies - Concern the ways in which the learners choose to interact with other speakers.
. Intrinsic motivation
Involves the arousal and maintenance of curiosity and can ebb and flow as a result of such factors as learners particular interests and the extent to which they feel personally involved in learning activities.
. Instrumental motivation
Seems to be the major forte determining success in L2 learning. For example, in settings where learners are motivated to learn an L2 because it opens up educacional and economist opportunities for them.
. Integrative motivation
Some learners may choose to learn a particular L2 because they are interested in the people and culture represented by the target-language group.
. Learnability
A task-based approach aims to stretch the interlanguage of the learner - by means of error correction - according to the principle of learnability, in respect to the learner’s internal syllabus. Learning is not a smooth progression in a predictable order. Instruction has an effect, it fastens the progress, but it is indirect and non-immediate.
. Typological Universals: Relative Clauses
In languages like English, a relative clause can be attached to the end of a matrix clause.
. Critical Period Hypothesis
The hypothesis claims that there is an ideal time window to acquire language in a linguistically rich environment, after which further language acquisition becomes much more difficult and effortful.
. Markedness
Involves the characterization of a "normal" linguistic unit against one or more of its possible "irregular" forms.
. Universal Grammar
SLA also owes a considerable debt to another branch of linguistics – that associated closely with Noam Chomsky’s theory of Universal Grammar. Chomsky argues that language is governed by a set of highly abstract principles that provide parameters which are given particular settings in different languages.
This hypothesis predicts that instruction can only promote language acquisition if the interlanguage is close to the point when the structure to be taught is acquire in the natural setting. So the teachbility hypothesis, suggests that instruction does not subvert the natural sequence of acquisition but rather help to speed up learner’s passage through it.
. Cognitive versus Linguistic Explanation
In short, it comes down to wheter L2 acquisition is to be explained in terms of a distinct and innate language faculty or in terms of general cognitive abilities, because there is no consensus on this issue.
* Pedagogic Relevance: is limited as teachers are not likely to know which learners in their class are ready to be taught a particular structure and will have no easy way of finding out.
It has been suggested that people differ in the extent to which they possess a natural ability for learning an L2.
• Components of language aptitude:
The author explains about a research which theme is: what impact teaching has on second language learner, and he considers three branches of this research.
. Phonemic coding ability
Ability to handle sound-symbol relationships. (For example: identify the sound which “th” stands for).
Serial processing: the information is processed in a series of sequential steps and results in the representation of what has been learned as a rule or strategy. E.g.: to all verbs in the past we add -ed
Parallel distributed processing: the learner has the ability of perform a number of mental tasks at the same time. It rejects the idea of general rules. Instead, it considers the connections between separated items.
E.g.: some verbs are more connected with –ed than others.
- Can refer to any language that is learned subsequent to the mother tongue.
- L2 acquisition can be defined as the way in which people learn a language other than their mother tongue, inside or outside of a classroom, and ‘Second Language Acquisition’ (SLA) as the study of this.
One is of an adult learner learning English in surroundings where it serves as a means of daily communication and the other of two children learning English in a classroom.
1 - A case study of an adult learner – Wes, one native speaker of Japanese with little instruction in English and contacts with native speakers. It was only when he began to visit Hawaii, in connection with his work, that he had regular opportunities to use English.
Richard Schmidt, a researcher at the university of Hawaii, studied Wes’s language development over three-year period from the time he first started visiting until he eventually took up residence there. Schmidt made recordings
and transcriptions of informal conversations between Wes and friends in Honolulu.
Focus of the study - use of auxiliary be, plural –s ( for example: person –s), regular past tense (jumped).
Wes did succeed in using these grammatical features. However, he was not successful in the use of progressive form – ing.
He also supplied it in sentences when it was not required:
It would be wrong, however, to think of Wes as a complete failure as a language learner. Although he did not learn much grammar, he did develop in other ways. Wes achieved considerable success as a communicator.
According to this theory, language learning is like any other kind of learning in that it involves habit formation. In other words, learners receive input linguistic of speakers that are in the middle and positive reinforcement by correct repetition and imitation.
These statements were developed in the 1960s and 1970s.
1. Only human beings are capable of learning language.
2. The human mind is equipped with a faculty for learning language, referred to as a Language Acquisition Device. This is separate from the faculties responsible for other kinds of cognitive activity (for example, logical reasoning).
3. This faculty is the primary determinant of language acquisition.
4. Input is needed, but only to “trigger” the operation of the language acquisition device.
Interlanguage development cannot be
Group 1
production-based instruction
Krashen: need to distinguish learning from acquisition.
Richard Shmidt:
intentionally: when the learner decides to learn some L2 knowledge.
incidental: when the learner picks up L2 knowledge through exposure. Both involve consciousness attention to features in the input.
Second Language Acquisition ( SLA) can be investigated by describing and analysing samples of learner language.
Errors and errror analysis
1) Identifying errors
2) Describing errors
3) Explaining Errors
4) Error evaluation
Group 2
input-based instruction
DESCRIBING ERRORS: Omission, Misinformation,Misordering
EXPLAINING ERRORS: Omission, overgeneralization, Transfer errors.
ERRORS EVALUATION: Global errors, local errors.
DEVELOPMENTAL PATTERNS : There are different stages in L2 acquisition.
1) Silent period
2) Acquisition Order
3) Sequence of Acquisition
2 - A case study of two child learners – both were almost complete beginners in English at the beginning of the study. (12 month)
J was a ten-year-old Portuguese boy
R was an eleven-year-old boy from Pakistan speaking Punjabi as his native language.
Both learners were learning English in a language unit in London. The unit catered exclusively for L2 learners who had recently arrived in Britain.
Focus of the study – requests
For example:
The same instructional option is not equally effective for all L2 learners
Individual differences
The type of instruction learners
Learners vary in the particular types of ability they are strong in.
1) A man and a little boy was watching him.
2) went in the traffic
3) the big of them contained a snake.
the big one
4) The basket contain a snake.
Scaffolding: learners use the discourse to say that they don’t understand something.
i.g. A: Come here. B: No come here.
According to Vygotsky, zones of proximal development are created through interaction with more knowledgeable others
Both learners began to use imperative verbs in their requests: Give me.
"Give me a paper."
Some time after this, they learned to use ‘Can I have……?' "Can I have one yellow book, please?"
Both learners progressed in much the same way despite the fact that they had different native language.
Teaching learners specific grammatical structures.
An alternative approach
Focused on vocabulary
Training students to use strategies
The idea of strategy training is attractive
Psycholinguistic is the study of mental processes involved in the acquisition and use of language.
L1 transfer: influence of the learners’ L1 .
Negative transfer: when the learner make mistakes due to their comparison with L1. Example in Portuguese: adjectives order.
Positive transfer: when the learner’s L1 facilitate L2 acquisition. e.g.: past continuous.
Avoidance: when learners avoid some structures they do not have in L1. e.g. Present/past Perfect
Overuse: when learners overuse some structures or expressions. e.g.: use of the confirmation structure.
Transfer is governed by learners’ perception of what is transferable and their stage of development.
Krashen: “speaking is the result of acquisition not its cause”.
Merrill Swain: believes that output also plays a part in L2 acquisition, in which learners can learn from their own output, serving as they realize problems and gaps in their interlanguages.
In one study, Teresa compared three groups of second-language learners-an untutored group, a tutored group and a mixed group (one that had experience both instruction and naturalistic learning).
John Schumann’s acculturation model.
What kind of form-focused instruction works best?
* Tutored group was more accurate plural than untutored group but less accurate on progressive verb – ing. The mixed group was intermediate in both cases.
SO: Teresa suggests that the effects of instruction may depend on target structure that is being taught.
Instruction may be effective in teaching items but not in teaching systems, particularly when these are complex.
Figure 9.1 Input-based and production-based instruction
Teaching learners specific grammatical structures.
An alternative approach
Focused on vocabulary
Training students to use strategies
The idea of strategy training is attractive
Hiroko: A man is uh. drinking e-coffee or tea with uh the saucer of the uh uh coffee set is uh in his uh knee.
Izumi: in him knee.
Hiroko: uh on his knee
Izumi: yeah
Hiroko: on his knee
Izumi: so sorry, on his knee
(from S. Gass and E. Varonis. 1994. 'Input, interaction and second language production.' Studies in Second Language Acquisition 6:283-302)
Hiroko: A man is uh. drinking e-coffee or tea with uh the saucer of the uh uh coffe set is uh in his uh knee.
Izumi: in him knee.
Hiroko: uh on his knee
Izumi: yeah
Hiroko: on his knee
Izumi: so sorry, on his knee
(from S. Gass and E. Varonis. 1994. 'Input, interaction and second language production.' Studies in Second Language Acquisition 6:283-302)
Native speakers modify their speech while communicating with learners.
Pierce’s social theory of L2 acquisition affords a different set of metaphor. L2 acquisition involves a ‘struggle’ and ‘investment’. Learners are not computers who process input data but combatants who battle to assert themeselves and investor who expect a good return on their effort.
ungrammatical – are socially marked. They usually undervalue learners excluding some grammatical aspects, as: to be, modal verbs, tense forms of verbs and use “no+verb”.
when learners signal they didn’t understand interaction modifications are made and them can contribute to L2 acquisition.
Grammatical – use slower rhythm of speech, the language is simplified, are regularized or basic, elaborate language to make the meaning clear.
The notions of ‘subject to’ and ‘subject of’ are central to Bonny Pierce’s view of the relation between social contexto and L2 acquisition.
evident when learners are conciously attending to their choice of linguistic forms, as when they feel need to be ‘correct’.
Major concern of the chapter.
For example: how discourse influences the kinds of errors learners make.
evident when learners are making spontaneous choices of linguistic form, as is likely in free conversation.
It can be broken down into 3 parts:
1. The teacher must support students by helping them unpack the text
2. The strategy unfolds in 3 stages- before, during, and after reading
3. The teacher can give tips and models so students can use reading strategies
Regularities in which native speakers hold conversations.
In U.S, for example, a failure in answering to a compliment can be considered a sociolinguistic error.
A: I like your sweater.
native: B: It’s so old. My sister bought it for me in Italy some time ago.
L2 learner: fails or answer: B: Thank you.
So, the acquisition of discourse rules is systematic.
It lacks evidence to demonstrate which aspects are universal and which are cultural (specific of the mother language).
intake L2 knowledge
Short term memory
The concept of interlanguage leads to the notion that the human mind function works as a computer due to L2 acquisition.
Long term memory
1. Interlanguage is a abstract system of L2 rules in which L2 learner bases his/her comprehension and production of L2;
2. The L2 learner grammar is permeable, that is, it can be influenced by internal and external elements;
3. The L2 learner grammar is transitional, that is, the learner can add or delete rules in order to restructure the system in a interlanguage continuum;
Three rather different approaches to incorporating a social angle on the study of L2 acquisition can be identified:
“A learner’s interlanguage is, therefore, a unique linguistic system.”