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By Noah Richardson
Sound Production Methods
-some decrescendo
-suddenly gets louder
-rubato (with freedom)
-used to tell a story
-some decrescendo
-No specific form is followed
-no verses or chorus
-everything is unique
-fluctuates between piano and forte (soft and loud)
The structure of this song is complex because it isn't something that a beginner to music would play. This creates a fuller sound.
-tempo slows and speeds up suddenly
-complex rhythm (easy to follow
-weak beat during most parts of the song
-2:4, 4:4, and 6:8 time signatures
-mixed meter (more than one time signature throughout the song)
A good portion of Bohemian Rhapsody contains parallel harmony, which is when the melody is harmonized.
Syncopation or Polyrhythm
-not much repetition in any aspect
-some simple and some complex rhythm
-not much repetition in vocals
-some repetition in instruments
This song has a wide range and is in a middle register.
Bohemian Rhapsody has a "wave" melodic shape because the pitch raises and lowers frequently, forming a wave shape.
This song has a conjunct melody. What this means is that the melody moves stepwise from note to note. At certain parts, the notes do jump around a little more, but the melody is mostly conjunct.