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Europe after World War 1

-The cost of WWI, both human suffering and economic was immense

- Europe was bankrupt from war spending and had many of its natural resources destroyed

- WWI also marked a change in government for several areas from Absolute Monarchy to Democracy.

-Unfortunately, these democracies were weak due to:

-large numbers of political parties

and many candidates.

The Great Depression in the U.S.

Germany's Inflation

During the early 1920's, the U.S. reached a business boom through innovation and foreign investment.

Great Depression caused by:

1. Overproduction

2. Uneven distribution of wealth.

3. Speculation; risky business transactions that could produce higher profits or losses.

Speculation Demand for Stocks Stock Worth

After WWI, German's were run by the Weimar Republic, yet this government was very weak due to :

1. Germany's lack of a strong Democratic History

2. Several Political parties existed

3. The Weimar was blamed for the reparations and humiliation of signing the Treaty of Versailles

During WWI, the German Government didn't raise taxes, yet instead printed more and more paper money.

Supply of money goes up, value of money goes down.

The entire country falls into depression and poverty.

1924-International Coalition steps in with the Dawes Plan; U.S. loans Germany $200 million and invests in German business.

1928- All European countries sign the Kellogg-Briand Pact against War

Great Britain and France

Great Britain passed high tariffs, increased taxes and regulated currency to reduce impact.

France was overall less dependent on foreign trade; yet economic trouble caused political instability

Socialist Countries such as Denmark, Sweden, and Norway used job creation and worked cooperatively to lessen impact.

Effects Of the Great Depression

"Black Thursday" October 29th, 1929: The Stock Market crashes, people rush to banks to withdraw money, banks run out of money.

Companies make cuts, poverty and unemployment skyrocket.

"Hoovervilles" begin to form around urban areas, American people turn on President Herbert Hoover.

In 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt is elected president. Begins immediate reforms in the idea of the New Deal.

New Deal Plan: Large amounts of government spending on welfare programs, government jobs(CCC, Tennessee Valley Authority), stock market and bank reforms.

The Global Great Depression

1920's +1930's

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