Argentina in the Great Depression
Before the Great Depression
radical regime (1916-1930)
- Hipólito Irigoyen was a radical leader, two-time president (second term beginning in 1928)
- Many people disliked him
- Irogoyen was unable to deal with the economic downfall
- Because of this, Irogoyen was kicked out of office in 1930
Political Unrest
- "Infamous decade"
- José Félix Uriburu- a conservative, tendency for fascism (1930-1932)
- Agustín Pedro Justo- military general, conservative, large majority (1932-1937)
- Justo had the support of the Concordancia (O"a coalition of conservatives, a faction of the Radicals, and independent socialists.")
Great Depression
- Farmers relocated and moved to the edge of cities
- Shanty towns (villas miseria)
- Population growth (Buenos Aires from 1.5 to 3.5 million
- Roca–Runciman Treaty
- Britain cut beef imports from Argentina, causing anger
- Strengthened labor unions
"Argentina."Encyclopedia Brittanica. 2010