Dugin's Neo Eurasianism
"I am a Muscovite, root and branch, I am pathologically in love with Moscow and the Muscovite period of our history. I am a consistent and radical opponent of westernizing, liberalism, the profane way of life."
Aleksandr Dugin, Pop Culture and the Sign of the Times (2005)
- A theory that goes all back in the early 20th century.
- Neo-Eurasianism is a postmodern expansionnist quasi-theory.
- Political, sociological, philosophical, esoterical and religious ideology.
- Conservative as well as revolutionary.
- Open questions:
- Is it just a trend ? Can it be considered a threat ?
- Some answers: even if the term Eurasianism is very used in Russia, not everyone has the same vision as Dugin. His followers are mainly amongst intellectual circles. As for a threat, his vision is very much idealist.
Black-Hole space
Ultimate periphery of the world
Conclusion on Dugin's Neo Eurasianism
The Genesis of the Eurasianist movement
The Geopolitical aspect
"an army of empires"
- Slavophiles, Symbolists and Scythianists.
- The Inter-War Russian Diaspora.
- Revival at the decline of the USSR.
- Huge continental landmass which is composed of Europe and Asia.
- Home to different cultures, civilizations and religions.
- Eurasiatic ≠ Eurasianist
- Born in Moscow, he was the son of GRU (secret service) officer.
- Young dissident close to monarchists and nationalists in the 80s.
- First joined Pamyat' in 88, then the National Bolshevik Party and finally formed the Evrazia movement.
- Specializations in political science, religious studies and sociology. Speaks 9 languages as well.
- Eurasian path is to create a decentralized federation of civilizations.
- Ethnodifferentialism = "Heterophile but mixophobe".
- Russia must resist to western globalism by launching a counterattack.
- Fascination with fascism dogma and culture: order and authority, collectivism, enlistment of the youth, leader cult, "New man" ideal, heroic nationalism, esotericism, cultural myths.
- Opposed to individualism, multiculturalism, egalitarianism and globalisation.
- Dichotomy between East and West. Orthodoxy-Islam vs Occidental Christianity, Unipolar world vs Multipolar world, etc
- World dominated by the Anglo-Americans Empire. Russia must resist to western globalism by launching a counterattack.
- Need to find allies in different cultural poles: European Germany, Islamic Iran and Pacific Japan.
- Rejects US hegemony, Dugin believes that Russia should lead the world into a new multipolar world.
- Orthodoxy marks the specificity of Russia. Along with traditional Islam, Orthodoxy opposes itself against Western Christianity.
- Orthodox spirituality vs Protestant ethic.
- During the Second Chechen war, Dugin had to distinguish a difference between traditional Islam and radical Islam.
- Dugin esteems paganism as a vector of tradition and spirituality, though he does not consider it a faith.
- Ambiguous vision of Judaism. Believes that a "good" Jews should remain in Israel.
- Condemns the Holocaust, though he admires the Nazi regime.
Cover of the first scythianist review (1917)
The "Heartland" of Eurasia
The Anglo-American "World Island"
The Afro-European "Rimland"
The Anglo-American "World Island"