Welcome to Grade 8!
#Sutherland School
Course Programming
Out of Catchment?
Growth & Development
Grade 8 Courses
Vice-Principal for Grade 8s
Mr. Ray Bodnaruk
Ms. Kim Jonat
Mr. Rob McLeod
January 25, 2016
Registration and transfer requests
for Grades 1-12 begins
March 4, 2016
Deadline for priority placement
consideration of registrations for
Grade 1 to Grade 12
March 4, 2016
Deadline for transfer requests for
Grade 1 to Grade 12
Elective Course Options
Transition Supports
7 Core Courses
- English
- Social Studies
- Science
- Math
- Physical Education
- French
Mrs. Marianne Macario
- Feb. 15 - 17: Course Programming Forms distributed in grade 7 classes
- March 4: Programming Forms DUE back to grade 7 teachers
- Mar. 31 - Apr. 4: Counsellor and Administrator will meet with Grade 7 teachers for Articulation
- Course Programming @ Elementary School
- Articulation - Team approach
- Events @ Sutherland
- Meet the Teacher for Parents
- Interim Reports in October
- Parent Teacher Interviews in October
- Peer Mentors Program:
- Opening Day together
- In-school seminars taught by grade 12 mentors; Healthy Relationships, Study Skills; fun events such as Sports Day and Movie Night
Main Goals
- Connect with Peers
- Independence from Parents
1 Elective from these 2 Options:
- Fine Arts: 1/2 year each - Drama, Visual Art
- Concert Band, Jazz Band*, Strings, Choir*
Ways for Parents to Support
- Stay connected with the school
- Healthy ways
- Connect with our PAC
- Inform us sooner rather than later
- Talk to your student about school
total = 8 courses
Enhanced Learning Opportunities
Transition to High School
- Academies: Application deadline March 4
- Hockey @ Windsor School
- Soccer @ Windsor School
- Field Hockey @ Windsor School
- Volleyball @ Sutherland School
- Dance @ Windsor School
- Basketball @Seycove School
- IB Middle Years Program @ Carson Graham School
- Peak Performance - Not for Credit
- Forms on-line @ sd44.ca
- Application deadline May 15
New Friends
- Joining Clubs
- Attending Activities
- Student Leadership
- Athletics
Learning @ High School
Thank you!
- Keeping track of everything
- Different expectations
- New ways of learning
- New ways of assessment
- Increased independence
More Teachers
- Increased Communications
- Building new Relationships
- Identifying Challenges
- Seeking Support Early
- Priority is for current Grade 12 students at this time
- Info gathering will be through Articulation & Programming
- Requests for meetings will begin ~ in the middle of May
Learning Services
Course Planning Guide:
- 8:30 - 2:55
- 5 Day cycle each week, repeating
- Periods 1,2,3 shuffle, Period 4 stays last block
- Each course has 5 classes each week
- Each class is 80 minutes
- Lunch time: 12:35 - 1:15
- Late Start Wednesdays once per month
- Maximize your learning
- Organizational Skills
- Assignment Completion
- Study Skills
- Test Prep & Test Taking
- Education Assistants