Office of Career Services
Purdue School of Engineering and Technology, IUPUI
- Resume Reviews
- Mock Interviews
- Negotiating Tips
- ET Careers
Things to Consider
Size of the Company
Type of Company
Benefits Package
- Employee Contribution
- Insurance
- Vacation (PTO) / Holidays
- 401(k), Pension Plans
- Profit Sharing/ Stock Options
- Tuition Reimbursement
Negotiations Exercise
IUPUI Graduate Salaries by School
Job offer titles from 2016
Employers who offered jobs to our students in 2016
After interviewing with a few companies, you have received one offer letter. XYZ Organization has given you two weeks to respond, but you are hoping to hear back from the remaining two. XYZ submits an offer that you feel is 10,000 dollars less than what you were expecting.
How do you start the negotiations?
Job offer titles from 2016
Advice & Tips
The Dance
Do not be the First to Bring up Salary
Make the Employer State their Range
Silence is Your Friend
Have a Counter Offer Prepared
Know What You are Willing to Accept
Employers who offered jobs to our students in 2016
Post-graduate Survey Data
- Arrive 5-10 minutes early - no earlier than that!
- Have money for parking and gas
- No gum
- Turn off your cell phone - not just on vibrate
- Only one chance to make a good first impression
Eye contact
- Come solo to your interview
- Speak slowly and clearly
- Write down the names of those you talk to
- Take water if they offer it
- Be polite, positive and genuine
- Make appropriate small talk - your interview starts as soon as you are on the property
- It's so much more than just how you answer the questions
What Will We Talk About Today?
Before The Interview
Interview Questions
Technical Questions
"Do you have any questions?"
- Varies by discipline
- Assess knowledge specific to your field
- What skills are on the job description / application?
- Company
- Position
- Interviewer(s) - no stalking!
- Yourself - do some self reflecting with the job description
Interview Questions
Don't chew gum. Don't suck on candy
- Verbal offer followed by written offer
- Will include salary, bonuses, benefits, vacation, start date, supervisor, title
- What to do with your offer
Random Questions
Behavorial Questions
Do not ask about...
- Salary
- Promotions
- Benefits -ex: vacation, sick days, parking
- Drug testing or background checks
- If you were an animal what would you be?
- If you were a book what would your title be?
- Who would you most want to meet?
- It's not always about the answer, it's about how you handle it
- "Tell me about a time when..."
- "Give me an example of a time..."
Come to career services for a mock interview and honest feedback. Most companies are not allowed to give specific feedback due to legal issues.
Use the STAR technique
Situation: Give them the background
Task: What did you have to do?
Action: What did you actually do?
Results: What was the outcome?
"No questions for me. Thanks!"
Conveys that you are not interested and/or prepared
We are interested in hearing about any Full Time, Internship or
Co-Op offers you have received for the following:
- Spring, 2018
- Summer, 2018
- Fall, 2018
Most of the benefits are covered during the offer process- your job at this point is to evaluate the position / company, not the benefits
On average:
80 Intern/Co-op Positions
200 Full-time Positions
2,500 Active Companies
Available after completing your first semester
Other places to look?
Using LinkedIn for Networking
What were they thinking advice
About Me:
Shelly Snider
Career Services Specialist Since 2012
Ten Years Experience as a Recruiter
Three Years Experience as an HR Manager
Develop Marketable Skills
Part Time Job
Student Org
Don't ask the Recruiter for gas or parking money
Get Involved!
- Student Organizations
- ET Student Council
- Professional Associations
Good GPA
The Ladders Study
About You:
Post-Grad Dream Job
"Internships came back as the most important thing that employers look for when evaluating a recent college graduate"
- Chronicle of Higher Education
Don't bring anyone with you to your interview
Arrive five to ten minutes before your scheduled time unless otherwise instructed
https ://
Only chance to make a good first impression
- Be nice to the Receptionist
- Your interview starts as soon as you are on the property
Make appropriate small talk
After The Interview
Interview Questions
Questions To Ask
Write a Thank You card or email
- 24-48 hours after interview
- Send one to each interviewer - short and sweet
Traditional Questions
- What are you looking for in your ideal candidate?
- What is the greatest challenge facing someone in this position?
- How would you describe the work environment?
- How would you describe your management style?
- What is your favorite thing about working for this company?
- What is the company culture?
Last question: What are the next steps in the hiring process? OR What is the timeline for making a decision?
- Tell me about yourself
- Why are you interested in this position?
- Why do you want to work for our company?
- Where do you see yourself in five years?
- What are your strengths and weaknesses?
- Why did you choose your major?
- Why are you leaving your current job?
Recruiters spend on average, six seconds reviewing a resume the first time they look at it
Example Thank you:
Hi Buzzlightgear,
Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Thursday regarding the mechanical engineering internship opportunity. I feel that I'd be a great fit for the position and am looking forward to hearing back from you.
Didn't get contact information from everyone? Send the thank you to the HR person and ask them to forward it on to the person or group.
It's so much more than how you answer the questions
Did you know?
- That 80% of jobs are found through networking (the “Hidden Job Market”).
Cultivating Your Network
What does this mean for you?
- Job boards are useful, spend about 20% of your time
- People do Find Jobs Using Them
- Finding an Internal Contact is Crucial
- How should you spend the other 80% of your time?
What to do with your list
- Reach out to inform of your job search
- Ask for referrals in your field
- Keep updated on job changes
- Informational Interviews
Your Network
- Personal network: family and friends
- Professional network: faculty, coworkers, advisors, professional associations, etc.
- Incidental network: waiting in line, on a plane, doctor’s office, etc.
- Online network: Social media (may include above), online discussion groups, etc.
- Organizational network: sports, clubs, non-profit organizations, alumni associations
The Informational Interview
But I don’t know anyone!?!
- Utilize your network for informational interviews
- What is an informational interview?
- Why should I do one?
- Why would anyone want to meet with me?
Career Fairs & Networking Receptions
Reasons for Having an Informational Interview
What a Career Fair is NOT…
Prospective Networking Contacts
- Place to Gather Basic Information
- Industry
- Products
- Services Provided
- Place to collect cool, free “stuff”
What a Networking Reception is NOT...
- To explore careers and clarify your career goals
- To expand your professional network
- To build confidence for job interviews
- To access the most up-to-date career information
- To identify your professional strengths and weaknesses
- To discover employment opportunities that are not advertised
- An event to hang-out with friends
- A place to air your grievances
- A way to eat dinner
Realizing your Network...
Organizing Your Network
Your Professional Image
Sample Questions
What is a Career Fair?
- Networking Event
- Means to Market Your:
- Skills
- Abilities
- Knowledge
- Experience
- Primary Goal is to Gain an Interview
Past Advisor
Alumni Association
Former Professors
What is a Networking Reception?
- Usually hosted by an organization
- Means to meet people from industry
- Tool to connect with people with similar interests
- Primary goal is to meet new people
- How did you get into the field?
- What is a typical day like?
- What kind of preparation is typical to get into this field/position? Is that really required or just the typical approach?
- Who else does this? What other companies do this?
- What ensures continued advancement in this field? (If an advanced degree is mentioned – Ask: what is the best time to get it?) Do you need to rotate through different departments to advance?
- What is a typical career path out of this position or field? What does this prepare you for next? What is next for you?
- What advice would you have for someone like me?
The Informational Interview
Online Image
- Don’t ask for a job, don’t even say you’re looking for a job.... Ask only for information
- Hello Mr. Anderson, My name is Dave Smith. I was referred to you by my classmate, John Jacobs. I have been doing some soul-searching lately about what my next career should be and I’ve found that I’m very interested in the field of public relations. Would you have a moment to share a bit about the field and your job, what you do on a daily basis, what you like and dislike about it, how you got into it, etc?
Be Prepared: What to Wear
Linkedin is Not
Career Fairs
- Suit
- Skirt
- Dress Pants
- Hosiery
- Dress Shoes
- Suit
- Dress Shirt
- Tie
- Dress Shoes
Kelley Career Fair - spring
Career Connection Fair - fall
Health and Life Sciences Career Fair - spring
Industrial Roundtable - fall
- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
- A Place to Post Party Photos
- A Place to Post Blogs about Your Dog
Linkedin: Connections
Networking Events
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME
- Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
- Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
- Tau Beta Zeta
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES)
- Motorsports Club (MSTE)
- Professional Social Network
- Every 2011 Fortune 500 Company is Represented
- Meet Professionals, Join Groups, Interact
- Professional Brand
- Professional Photo
- Resume
- Recommendations
Networking at a Career Fair:
Contact Image
- Invite Friends & Family
- Classmates
- Co-workers/ Supervisors
- Professors
- Career Services Professionals
- Level One
- Ask Level One for Introductions
What to Say
- Have your Intro Speech Ready!
- Education, Skills, Abilities, Experience
- How your interests align with the companies.
- Why you are a good fit.
Networking at an event:
Every Contact Is Part of The Interview Process
- Voicemail Greetings
- Ringback Tones
- Email Addys
- Flexibility in scheduling
What to Say
- Introduce yourself, ask what brought them there
- Ask questions about them i.e. What do you do for a living, Where are you from, How long have you been a member of this group
- Goal is to see who you have things in common with
Your Intro...
Be prepared – Dress for success!
- Good hygiene / well groomed
- Showered
- Clean, well-groomed nails
- Fragrance free (no perfume or cologne)
- Conservative business attire
- (Pressed not Wrinkled)
- Leather portfolios are your friends - only for career fair
- Make sure they are organized and neat
Follow up!
Online Image
Don't be Bizarre
- After the informational interview, career fair, other networking contacts:
- Send follow up letters/emails
- Reach out to new contacts
- Follow directions… apply through the company websites as instructed
- Cultivate an ongoing relationship
- Keep notes
Don't Be Too Creative
Don't Pose With Others
Be Professional