The Roles of Women in
New France
BY: Theodora, Krizzel, Angela, and Vanessa!
Roles Around the House
This is an Ursuline nun that educated the Native and French girls.
Nuns greeting there students.
The New France women had many household jobs, because they would stay home and work while there husbands would take care of the land, maintain farms, produce and harvest food. While the men were gone the women would take care of the children,by cooking for them. they would also clean around the house, do laundry and sew.
The woman of New France wanted to dress fashionably as they could, especially on Sundays. When going out they wore a simple nightgown and over it they wore at least 2 petticoats tide above the waist. Finally they had a choice to either put a fancy gown on or a Jacket. While at home they would also wear a petticoat and over that petticoat there would be a long skirt. Usually pockets were sewed into there clothing.Lastly, On their shoulders they would have a handkerchief around them.
In 1639 three Ursuline nuns sailed from New France to Quebec to establish a school to educate Native and French girls. In 1697 a second Ursuline school opened in Trois Rivières. They didn't have to much schools as we do today. As the sister of congregation of Notre Dame found a school in Montreal in 1670 and by 1731 controlled Twelve school for the education of girls.
The women in New France wore a cap at all times indoors unless their hair was sophisticated.
This is what they would wear indoors.
A petticoat
In the summer they wore sun brimmed hats to cover their faces.
In this picture you can see the woman is doing laundry while watching her child.
This is what they would wear outdoors.
This is a picture of a female servant washing clothes
In the cities or on Sundays women
wore fine leather or brocade shoes
Slaves and Servants
Sewing and Needle Arts
In addition to married french women, there were female slaves and servants in New France. Many of the servants were Indentured. They were contracted to work for a family for a period of time. This sort of agreement relieved some servants because if they were lucky enough, the people who they were serving would give them an education.
Every woman in New France had to know how to sew and needle art. Women usually made household linens, undergarments, children's clothing at home. They would also spiff up clothes with lace, beading and quilting. Common people owned only a few clothes because both clothes and fabric had such a high cost.
Music was an important part of a young woman's education. The people of New France didn't like the woman playing wind instruments. They looked unpleasant because of their puffed out cheeks to them but they approved of string Instruments.
This is a picture of the women playing instruments.
This is one of many articles of clothing that the New France women made.