Summary Of Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism, Shintoism, Jainism, And Sikhism
Taoism or Daoism
- Originated around 470 BCE after Kong Qui later known as Confucius
- The belief system is considered a philosophy
- Ideals include producing excellent individuals and a harmonious society
- Regulation for this accomplishment is the Five Great Relationships, and the Confucian Virtues
- Ren, Li, the Analects, Shu, Xiao, and Wen
- Philosophical text include Five Classics and Four Books
- Yin and Yang are also used as symbols in this philosophy
- Confucianism and Daoism are said to complement each other in China
- Belief in some form of reincarnation (unclear) and karma
(Molloy, 2013)
- Originated around 550 BCE in China from Lao-Tze
- Observes and Preserves Nature
- Believe in Philosophical insights
- Believe in Three Souls, Seven spirits for each individual
- Religious text consist of guidelines of living
- Practice rituals for protection, longevity, and inner purity
- Religious text consists of the Daodejing
- Ultimate goal is the Dao (or origin of nature)
- The ideal effortlessness if the Wu Wei (or no action)
- Live simplistically
- Practice yoga and meditation
- Yin and Yang is used for symbolic purpose
(Molloy, 2013)
- Originated around 520 BCE from Siddharth Gautama the First Buddha
- Worships Buddha
- Believe in the Three Marks of Reality, Four Noble Truths, and Eightfold Path
- Practice "Ahimsa" (harm none)
- Believe in reincarnation and Karma
- Nirvana is the ultimate existence
- Theravada Buddhism teaches original teachings of Buddha
- Mahayana Buddhism is considered the ferryboat of Buddhism and acceptance for all
- Vajrayana Buddhism is considered "Diamond Vehicle" of Buddhism and is a special form of Mahayana Buddhish
(Molloy, 2013)
- Originated In India Around 2000 BCE
- Worship approximately 300,000 Deities
- Believe in Reincarnation
- Practice Meditation and Yogas
- Brahman is Ultimate Reality
- Sacred texts include Smrti, Sruti, Vedas
- Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads
- Laws are from the Dharma Shastras
- History text include Itihasas
- Mahabharata, Ramayana, Puranas
- Hindu Gods text include the Tantras
- Philosophical text include the Darshanas
- Consists of a cast system
- Devotion to Guru and animals
(Molloy, 2013)
One God
No religious text
Cast/Non-cast systems
Area of Origination
Text or Guidelines
Area of Origination
- Origination in Japan and the origin of the Shinto religion is unknown
- Founded in Shamanistic and oral traditions
- Worship includes ancestors (or Kami),spirits, and deceased emperor's at Shrines
- Practice a diverse number of ceremonies and meditation
- The Kojiki is a record of ancient matters and processes
- The Torri is a pathway to the deities, ancestors, and the devine
- Water is used to purify before entering shrines
- Believe in karma
(Molloy, 2013)
- Originated in Northwestern India around 1500 CE by Guru Nanak
- Worship one true "God" (om) whom has 99 names
- God's viewed as the one and creator (ik om kar)
- Believe in reincarnation, meditation, and karma
- Religious text is the Adi-Granth, includes three parts
- Japji
- Nine Rags
- a verity of poems and hymns
- Rejects the cast system
- Follow a moral and ethical lifestyle
- Strong belief in helping others
- Follow the five "K's"
- Kesh (uncut hair)
- Kirpan (sword to protect the week)
- Kangha (comb - symbolic to order and cleanliness)
- Kachhera (undercloths - symbolic of control and chastity)
(Molloy, 2013)
- Originated around 550 BCE in India by Mahavira
- Worship is given to those that have attained "Jiva" (liberation of self) or dieties
- Believe in a several universe's
- multiply heavens
- multiply hells
- Practice meditation, karma, and are strict vegetarian's
- Practice non-violence
- verbal, physical, mental, speaking truth, sexual monogamy, detachment from material posessions
- Need to attain "Jiva" (as noted above)
- eliminate accumulated Karma
- Discipline in knowledge
- control bodily passions
- Four different types of Jainism sects
- Digambara
- Sthanakavasis
- Shvetambaras
- Terapanthis
- Religious text Purvas
(Molloy, 2013)
Danielle Elefsrud
December 6, 2014
Dr. Gene Johnson
Molloy, M. (2013), Experience Worlds Religions Traditions, Challenge, and Change 6th ed.