Pig Digestive System
Parts and function
- "blind pouch"
- little function in pigs
- located at the beginning large intestine
- Chemical breakdown of the feed
- Feed gets broken down into:
- carbohydrates
- proteins
- fats
Small Intestine
- First part of the digestive system
- Mechanical breakdown (chewing) of feed
- Saliva produced to moisten feed
- enzyme starts breaking down starches (starches are complex)
- SI is a complex tube which lies in a spiral
- Contains finger-like projections called villi that increase the absorptive area of the intestine
- 3 parts:
- Duodenum
- Jejunum
- Illeum
- Nutrients in the feed gets absorbed here and transfered through the body where it is needed
Large Intestine
- Moves feed from mouth to stomach
- Done by muscle contractions
- Cardiac Valve at end of esophagus stops feed from going back in to esophagus from the stomach
The Big Picture
- Shorter but larger in diameter than the small intestine
- Storage area for waste materials that make up the feces (poop)
- Muscle contractions push food through the large intestine
- End portion of the large intestine is called the rectum
- Opening where undigested food passes out of the body
- Called feces
Image by goodtextures: http://fav.me/d2he3r8