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Blogging Tips

Include at least 10 tips of how to blog successfully and what to avoid.

Success Story of Blogs


Facts & Statistics

Whats different for eCommerce blogs?

What do eCommerce blogs have to do differently to be successful and standout?

Statistics regarding blogs in general and their popularity.

Statistics regarding what advantages blogs have as opposed to other social media sites.

Statistics regarding how blogs benefit or do not benefit online eCommerice websites (my research so far indicates that it is highly beneficial).


Background & Statistics

Something along the lines that blogs are crucial to an eCommerce websites success and without them they are not going to move forward in a society that is internet-focused.


Example of a good eCommerce blog

Include examples of some successful eCommerce blogs that use some of the tips that were given.

Include a testimonial type example from a company that explains how blogging has helped their company and has led them to success.

eCommerce Blogging


Catherine Gorman

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