Major RAAF Bases around Australia
RAAF Tindal:
No. 75 Squadron: F/A-18A/B "Hornet"
Learning objectives:
RAAF Townsville:
- To learn about different aircraft in operation with the RAAF. As well as to idnetify them using WETFUS
- The Squadrons where these aircraft are based as well as their bases
- The primary roles of these squadrons
No. 38 Squadron: KA-350 "King Air"
4th Aviation Regiment: CH-47F "Chinook"
So why are we learning this?
- So you have a basic understanding of frequently used RAAF aircraft.
- To fulfill the aim of the AAFC to 'develop an interest in the Royal Australian Air Force and aviation in general'
- To be able to locate major RAAF bases around Australia
The Aircraft:
- Rear-mounted fuel boom
- Low monoplane, mid- mounted wings
Categorising each aircraft
F/A-18F "Super Hornet"
C-17 Globemaster III
- Tapered fuselage
- "V" tail-fin
- Larger fuselage compared to F/A-18A/B "Hornet"
- Armament hardpoints
- Tall "T" tail-fin
- Rear opening cargo doors
- Four jet turbine engines
- High-mounted tapered wings
RAAF Amberely
- Four Main roles for these aircraft -
- Surveillance and response group
- Air combat group
- Trainer Command
No. 1 Squadron/ No. 6 Squadron: F/A-18F "Super Hornet"
No. 33 Squadron: KC-30A MRTT
No. 36 Squadron: C-17A "Globemaster III"
E-7A "Wedgetail"
The Aircraft:
Hawk 127
- Radome boom on fuselage
- Tapered tail-fin and wings
- Low monoplane
F/A-18A/B "Hornet"
- Bulging inline cockpit
- Side mounted air intakes
- Backward tapered wings
RAAF Pearce:
- Air-intakes mounted under wings
- "V" Shaped tailplane
- Nose mounted radome
- Tricycle undercarriage
- Armament hardpoints
No. 2 Flying training School: PC-9/A
RAAF Williamtown:
No. 79 Squadron: Hawk 127
No. 76 Squadron: Hawk 127
No. 2 Squadron: E-7A "Wedgetail"
No. 4 Squadron: PC-9/A
No. 3/No. 77 Squadron/ No. 2 Conversion Unit: F/A-18A/B "Hornet"
RAAF Richmond:
RAAF Edinburgh:
No.37 Squadron: C-130J "Hercules"
No.35 Squadron: C-27J "Spartan"
No. 10 Squadron/ No. 11 Squadron: AP-3C "Orion"
- Radome nose bulge
- MAD tail boom
- Four turbo-prop engines mounted ontop of wings
- Armament hardpoints
- Sonar-bouy tubes on underside
- Nose mounted radome
- Short fuselage
- twin six-blade turbo-props
- Nose mounted Radome
- Tall tail-fin
- Rear opening cargo doors
- Four six-blade turbo-prop engines
RAAF East Sale:
The Roulettes/ Central Flying School: PC-9/A Operates as an acrobatics group and a training group respectively.
No. 32 Squadron: KA-350 "King Air"
The Aircraft:
KA-350 "King Air"
- Twin-turboprop engines
- "T" tail
- Tapered fuselage
- Low-wing monoplane
- Low-wing monoplane
- box fuselage
- dual inline-cocpit