CPR Rubric
Writing With Headers
Calendar: Reminders & Updates
Handout in Week 9 folder on BB
The parts of your CPR
Week 9 folder
*No class meeting Thursday, 10/22. Instead I will be available via email, should you have any questions.
- Keep up with daily discussion posts
- Work on drafting Community Problem Report
- Peer review: in-class or online?
- CRP, Final draft and writing reflection, due at the end of Week 10 (10/30 & 11/01, respectively)
- Titles and Sub-headers indicate the main idea of a passage
- You should use your research questions from your Annotated Bib. as section sub-headings in your CPR
- Helps keep your essay organized (controls what you discuss and evidence you use). Helps keep your reader on track (acts as a "sign-post" to help the reader predict).
Summary: Semester Calendar
Major Assignments & Dates
Week 10
- Writing an Abstract
- Peer review CPR
Week 11 (in-class)
- Intro Visual Project
- Meet groups in LACIT Lab
Week 14
- Visual Project Presentations (only groups interested in presenting at Student Showcase)
Week 15
- Visual Project Presentations
- Submit Visual Project
(one sub per group, on BB)
Sample CPR
Week 11 (online)
- Submit CPR final draft
- CPR Writing Reflection
Week 12
- Introduce Op-Ed
- Work on Visual Project
Week 13
- Peer Review Visual Project
Week 16
- E-portfolio peer review (on BB)
- Submit E-portfolio
- Submit Op-Ed
Student Model Evaluation
1. Based on the rubric, what grade did you give this sample of the Community Problem Report?
If you could explain this grade in a sentence or two, what would you say to the writer?
2. Identify 3 specific things that this sample Community Problem Report did well.
3. Identify 3 specific things that this sample could have improved upon.
4. How will you use this sample and your assessment of it to help you with your report?