- Procurement Manager hired
- Created P-Drive (Purchasing Drive)
- Uniformed all FWHA Vehicles at Admin Building in one location to Park Vehicles
- Created New Vehicle Forms
- Created Upcoming Solicitation Forms
- Staff Cross Training
- Go live with Elite Payroll
- Payroll Self Service Implementation
- FWHA Social Media
- Applicant Portal Implementation and upgrade
- File Room Software/Hardware upgrade
- SPC Department wide Workstation upgrade
- SPC Department wide Printer upgrade
- Partner Portal Upgrade
- Legacy CCSLIB/Wintegrate system for historical data only
- High Performer in 2013.
- Received a NAHRO award for Volunteerism.
- Selected to participate in a national study on administrative fees - how much it costs to run a successful program.
- Staff retreat was held at Alley Cats
- 2014 lease-up push Inspections office completed 10,976 inspections, including 2,322 initial inspections for new admissions and relocations, and 8,294 annual inspections.
- Family Self Sufficiency Program was selected to participate in a national study of the FSS program. Received $20,000 incentive to participate.
- Ten (10) FSS participants graduated FSS.
- $59,199 in FSS escrow disbursements were made.
- Eleven (11) clients purchased homes through the HCVP Homeownership Program.
- Coordinated a successful Resident Achievement Recognition Program.
- Reactivated Landlord Advisory Committee.
- Continued to be a leading provider for housing assistance for the homeless. 1165 total units allocated at a funding level of $8,390,850, including Continuum of Care, Directions Home, VASH, Single Room Occupancy, and Healthy Community Collaborative.
- Received two additional awards of VASH vouchers.
- Received new funding through Healthy Community Collaborative for 150 vouchers for the homeless
- Three homeless count teams in 2014
- Transition to Private Management/ accounting of Public Housing
- Early Retirement Incentive
- Major Medical Payout
- Elite Payroll went live effective with the June 20, 2014 payday
- Payroll Self Service went live on November 17, 2014.
- Coordinated the NAHRO trainings held here at our facility.
Word of the Year - CHANGE
- Electronic Board packets
- Presentations to community groups and business leaders
- Strategic Planning
- New positions and restructuring
- Benefit and salary compensation adjustments
Providing quality affordable and accessible housing in a living environment that integrates low-and moderate-income individuals and families into the greater community without discrimination; and creating economic opportunities for our program participants to become self-sufficient.
- Fair Oaks/Park
- Hunter Plaza
- Villas by the Park
- Knights of Pythias
- Hillside Apartments
- FWHA has a pipeline that includes seven transactions with approximately 1150 units to take place over the next three years
- Stop Six/Cavile Neighborhood Transformation Plan
- Transit Oriented Development
- Space planning initiative at FWHA Office
- Capital Improvement to FWHA Main office and Beach Street buildings
- Produced FWHA’ s Biennial Annual Report 2012-13
- Produced quarterly issues of the FWHA Update community newsletter
- Retirement Party for Gloria Owens
- Knights of Pythias Grand Opening Event
- Barbara Holston Education Fund Fundraiser / Retirement Celebration Event
- Hunter Plaza Demolition Event
- Meet and Greet event for President and CEO for local city officials and community stakeholders
- U.S. HUD Secretary Castro’s visit to Fair Oaks for RAD tour
- Prepared and submitted (6) Agency Awards for National NAHRO Chapter for 2014. All six entries received merit awards and one competed for an award of excellence.
- Summer Youth Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Camp
- Employee United Way Campaign
- Employee Volunteerism
- Keep Calm and Carry On
- Project Safe Neighborhood Initiative Partnership
- An Affordable Housing Transformation Project * Award of Excellence entry
- Social Media/ Websites - initiated and manage content, photo and video postings on all FWHA Social Media websites
- Completed RIF due to outsourcing LIPH
- Recruited President/ CEO replacement
- Revised Personnel Policy and Employee Retirement Plan
- Implemented self-service time management and open enrollment
- Received a NAHRO merit award for 2014 United Way Campaign with Vinnie Cummings as Chair
Providing quality affordable and accessible housing in a living environment that integrates low-and moderate-income individuals and families into the greater community without discrimination; and creating economic opportunities for our program participants to become self-sufficient.
- Youth Programs (8)
- Vocational Training
- Employment Services
- Eviction Prevention Program
- Increased Senior Citizen Activities at Cavile
- Implemented Resident Leadership Training program which resulted in re-establishment of RC at Cavile
- Assisted with implementing additional school activities for Dunbar School Pyramid
- Assisted with decrease in truancy for Butler and Cavile Communities
- Recruited and assisted with Hispanic Chamber of Commerce sponsored Silhouette programs
- Coordinated the re-establishment of Torch Club for youth 10-12 years old
- Established new partnerships which resulted in free training opportunities estimated in-kind is 525.00 per resident so far $9,975 of in-kind training was received
- Secured 30 scholarships for 2015 College for Kids program
- Received a donation of 15 keyboards from the Guitar store for the Music Camp
Providing quality affordable and accessible housing in a living environment that integrates low-and moderate-income individuals and families into the greater community without discrimination; and creating economic opportunities for our program participants to become self-sufficient.
FWHA - 2015
- Technology
- Infrastructure
- Outside opportunities
- Expansion of services
- Capacity building