- 1523 - Oct 9 1562
- Most influential Italian anatomist and physician of 16th century
- Born in Modena, Italy
- Died in Padua, Italy
- Died by pulmonary tuberculosis
- Disproved Aristotle’s statement that the bones of lions are solid and without marrow
- "Observationes Anatomicae" in 1561
- bones, the muscles, the vascular system, and the kidneys
- Clear descriptions of bones, inner ear, and teeth
- Described the clitoris, asserted that hymens were in virgins, coined the word vagina, and disproved the idea that the penis entered the uterus
- Made a condom in trying to prevent the spread of syphilis
- Identified tubes connecting ovaries to uterus (fallopian tubes)
Education & Career
- Started off as canon and priest at the cathedral of Modena, Italy
- Studied medicine at University of Ferrara
- After dissecting a body in 1545, he earned the right to practice medicine in Modena as a surgeon
- Falloppio was appointed to the chair of pharmacy in Ferrara
- In 1549 accepted the chair of anatomy at the University of Pisa then at Padua in 1551
- Accused of human vivisection
Social & Political Environment
- Recovering from Black Death
- Specific ranking in hierarchy was important
- society divided into nobles and commoners
- Many peasant revolts due to changes in agricultural system
- Italian Renaissance was at its peek
- European politics were mostly religious conflicts
- Protestant Reformation; fought against Catholic Church
Gabriele Falloppio