Thank you for your time.
Overall Learning Experience
- Learned about portion control.
- It helped me realize I needed to change my eating habits
- That if I set my mind to things I can get them done in a mannerly time.
- Procrastination
- Complications in product
- Many surveys got returned
- Found out a lot of information
- Overall project was a success
How often do you cook dinner at home?
On average, how many 8oz. Glasses of water does your child drink in a day?
On average, how many hours of physical activity does your child get a day, outside of school?
My Research.
none one two-four five or more
none 30min. to 1hr. 1 to 2 hrs. 2+ hours
- Parents don’t help their children
- 17% of teenagers and adolescence from ages two to nineteen are obese
- Many different causes of childhood obesity:
- Poor eating habits
- Lack of exercise
- Family history
- Depression
- Emotional problems
My Product.
My Topic
- Created a survey to give to parents
- Created a graph to compare the data from the surveys.
The causes and effects of childhood obesity.
How it relates to my research.
Nutrition is a big factor in childhood obesity
Why I chose this topic.
I have seen many different cases of childhood obesity and wanted to learn more about the causes and what effects it has on a child and their life.
All About Me.
While at Southern:
- Volunteered at the Animal Shelter
- Worked at Purple Penguin
- Currently work at Simply Southern Tees.
After High School.
My Graduation Project
- Alamance Community College
- Transfer to a 4 year college
Interesting Fact.
Sarah Wentland
Childhood obesity has skyrocketed in the past decade due to lack of exercise, poor eating habits, family problems, depression and other emotional problems.