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Destra (right)
Sinistra (left)
In centro (in the middle)
Avanti (forward)
Indietro (back)
Sopra (on/ over/ above/ upstairs)
Sotto (under/ below/ downstairs)
Dietro a (behind)
Davanti a/ Di fronte a (in front of)
Dormire (to sleep)
Venire (to come)
Sentire (to hear/to feel)
Pulire (to clean)
Finire (to finish)
Vestire (to dress)
Cucire (to sew/to needle)
Morire (to die)
Fornire (to provide)
Offrire (to offer)
Inserire (to insert)
Colpire (to hit/to shoot)
Pulire (to clean)
Aprire (to open)
Uscire (to go out)
- Vengo dalla Romania. (I am from Romania)
- Abito ad Arad. (I live in Arad)
- Puoi farmi/farci una foto? (Can you take me/us a picture?)
- Mi scusi, vorrei chiedere un informazione... (Excuse me, I would like to ask an information...)
- Devo fare benzina (I have to get gas in the car)
- Vorrei andare da Torino a Milano. (I would like to go from Turin to Milan)
... We wait for you to complete our travel!
We are almost arrived... Do not miss for the fourth italian lesson!
This solitary hill has always been dear to me
And this hedge, which prevents me from seeing most of
The endless horizon.
But when I sit and gaze, I imagine, in my thoughts,
Endless spaces beyond the hedge,
An all encompassing silence and a deeply profound quiet,
To the point that my heart is quite overwhelmed.
And when I hear the wind rustling through the trees
I compare its voice to the infinite silence.
And eternity occurs to me, and all the ages past,
And the present time, and its sound.
Amidst this immensity my thought drowns:
And to flounder in this sea is sweet to me.
Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle,
E questa siepe, che da tanta parte
Dell'ultimo orizzonte il guardo esclude.
Ma sedendo e mirando, interminati
Spazi di là da quella, e sovrumani
Silenzi, e profondissima quiete
Io nel pensier mi fingo; ove per poco
Il cor non si spaura. E come il vento
Odo stormir tra queste piante, io quello
Infinito silenzio a questa voce
Vo comparando: e mi sovvien l'eterno,
E le morte stagioni, e la presente
E viva, e il suon di lei. Così tra questa
Immensità s'annega il pensier mio:
E il naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare.
He started the italian modern narrative
I promessi sposi
-Considered the most important poet of the 800
- The "Zibaldone" contains all his thinking
il canzoniere
Alessandro Manzoni
-The first to deal with the lyric "I"
Cappella Sistina
Giacomo Leopardi
Francesco Petrarca
Vocazione di San Matteo
La nascita di Venere
-"vate" poet
Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore
Gabriele D'Annunzio
Canestro di frutta
Botticelli 1445-1510
Michelangelo Buonarotti
Brunelleschi 1377-1446
L'Orlando furioso
Ludovico Ariosto
Divina Commedia
One of the most important writers of the last century
San Giovanni Evangelista
Il crocifisso
Italo Calvino
-The father of the italian language
Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis
First epistolary novel of italian literature
Ultima Cena
Polina Borghese
Dante Alighieri
Donatello 1386-1466
La dama con l'ermellino
Porta nord del Battistero di Firenze
Amore e Psiche
Ugo Foscolo
Leonardo Da Vinci
Italian art
Le tre grazie
San Marco libera lo schiavo
Le stigmate di San Francesco
Together with D'Annunzio, they are the most representants of the decadent poetry
-il fanciullino
-Philosoph-writer of the identity's crise
-3 actual identities: What I actually am
What I think I am
What the others think I am
Sposalizio di San Francesco e Povertà
La Gioconda
Tiziano 1480- 1576
Progetto elicottero
Giovanni Pascoli
Giotto 1267-1337
Luigi Pirandello
La Venere di Urbino
Il crocifisso di Santa Maria Novella
Compianto sul Cristo Morto
Le muse inquietanti
-biggest process ever done against mafia
-more than 2665 years of imprisonment
Raffaello Sanzio
De Chirico
Founder of the modern political science
-promotor of the verismo- realismo
La Madonna del cardellino
Il Principe
1820-1821: Revolts of the Carboneria
1861: Unità d'Italia
La deposizione di cristo
Le stanze vaticane
Giovanni Verga
Giovanni Boccaccio
Niccolò Macchiavelli
Developing of the national coscience
-scientific revolution
-trust in the lights of reason
Zucchero "Wonderful life"
Andrea Bocelli e Giorgia "Vivo per lei"
Franco Battiato "la cura"
Adriano Celentano "una carezza in un pugno"
Last Night A DJ Saved My Life
Francesco De Gregori "Generale"
Pooh "pensiero"
Vasco Rossi "vita spericolata"
Fabrizio De André "Bocca di rosa"
Pino Daniele "Napule è"
Biglietto (Ticket)
Passaporto (Passport)
Carta d'identità (Identity Card)
Valigia (Suitcase)
Hand luggage (Bagaglio a mano)
Zaino (Backpack)
Partenza (Departure)
Arrivo (Arrival)
Cartolina (Postcard)
Macchina fotografica (Camera)
Italy is a peninsula and its shape is similar to a boot. It consists in 20 regions and each one of these has different characteristics.
Italian soil, has various features (volcanic endolagunare, limestone etc.). The hilly areas are prevalent compared to mountain areas and the plains, the average altitude of the area is about 337 m above sea level.
Italy is divided into three types of climate (temperate, cool temperate and cold) and is strongly influenced by the seas that surround almost every side and which constitute a beneficial reservoir of heat and humidity.
Treno (Train)
Nave (Ship)
Aereo (Plane)
Automobile (Car)
Autobus (Bus)
Bicicletta (Bycicle)
Motocicletta (Motorcycle)
On foot (A piedi)
Gondola (when you are in Venice)
Aeroporto (Airport)
Porto (Port)
Station (Stazione)
Fermata dell'autobus (Bus stop)
Benzinaio (Gas station)
Casa (House)
Cinema (Cinema)
Teatro (Theatre)Palazzo (Building)
Ufficio (Office)
Albergo (Hotel)
Negozio di telefonia (Phone shop)
Pizzeria (There is no need of translation!!! :) )
Paninoteca (Sandwich shop)
Pub (Pub)
Bar (Bar)
Discoteca (discotheque)
Nord, Sud, Ovest, Est (North, South, West, East)
Viaggiare (to travel)
Partire (to leave)
Arrivare (to arrive)
Aspettare (to wait)
Visitare (to visit)
Cercare (to look for)
Chiedere (to ask)
Dormire (to sleep)
Andare (to go)
Tornare (to return/to come back)
Girare (to turn)
Esplorare (to explore)
The past participle is obtained by removing the desinence of the infinitive (ARE, ERE, ERE) in order to add the desinence of the past participle:
This tense is very used from the italians, because it indicates actions and experiences which are finished in the past but whose effects are still visible in the present.
The construction is very easy. The passato prossimo is composed by two parts:
The “AUSILIARE”: the verbs ESSERE and AVERE conjugated at the present
Ex. IO SONO ANDATO (I'have gone/ I went)
↓ ↓
Ausiliare Participio passato
The prejudices of a nortern person
toword the south
the classic person of the north is:
-hard worker
-practical person
-more introvert and closed in himself
the classic person of the south is:
-lazy (he doesn't like working)
-very linked with the ideas of family and tradition
-cheerful and extrovert
-always late
milanese/i: is the person of milano, who
represents the northern people
camorrista/i: the person who belong to the Mafia
of Napoli (la camorra)
terrone/i: the person of south (linked to the
ground - terra)
polentone/i: the person of north. The word results
from the typical meal of north
venti (twenty) --> vent-uno; venti-due […] vent-otto; venti-nove.
trenta (thirty)
quaranta (forty)
cinquanta (fifty)
sessanta (sixty)
settanta (seventy)
ottanta (eighty)
novanta (ninety)
cento (one hundred)
The north told by a
undici (eleven)
dodici (twelve)
tredici (thirteen)
quattordici (fourteen)
quindici (fifteen)
sedici (sixteen)
diciassette (seventeen)
diciotto (eighteen)
diciannove (nineteen)
zero (zero)
uno (one)
due (two)
tre (three)
quattro (four)
cinque (five)
sei (six)
sette (seven)
otto (eight)
nove (nine)
dieci (ten)
Principali verbi in –ERE
Scrivere (to write)
Leggere (to read)
Mettere (to put)
Togliere (to remove/to take off)
Aggiungere (to add)
Accendere (to turn on)
Spegnere (to turn off)
Sorridere (to smile)
Vedere (to see)
Vivere (to live)
Chiudere (to close)
Sedere (to sit)
Comprendere (to understand)
Io prend-erò (I will love)
tu prend-erai (You will love)
lui/lei prend-erà (He/She will love)
noi prend-eremo (We will love)
voi prend-erete (You will love)
loro prend-eranno (They will love)
estate (summer)
primavera (spring)
autunno (autumn)
Io prend-evo (I took)
Tu prend-evi (You took)
lui/lei prend-eva (He/She took)
Noi prend-evamo (We took)
Voi prend-evate (You took)
Loro prend-evano (They took)
inverno (winter)
Io part-irò (I will leave)
tu part-irai (You will leave)
lui part-irà (He/She will leave)
noi part-iremo (We will leave)
voi part-irete (You will leave)
loro part-iranno (They will leave)
Io prend-o (I take)
Tu prend-i (You take)
Lui/Lei prend-e (He/She takes)
Noi prend-iamo (We take)
Voi prend-ete (You take)
Loro prend-ono (They take)
gennaio (January)
febbraio (February)
marzo (March)
aprile (April)
maggio (May) la settimana/ le settimane (the week/ the weeks)
giugno (June) il mese/ i mesi (the month/ the months)
luglio (July) l'anno/ gli anni (the year/ th years)
agosto (August)
settembre (September)
ottobre (October)
novembre (November)
dicembre (December)
Io part-ivo (I left)
Tu part-ivi (You left)
Lui/lei part-iva (He/She left)
Noi part-ivamo (We left)
Voi part-ivate (You left)
Loro part-ivano (They left)
Io part-o (I leave)
Tu part-i (You leave)
Lui/lei part-e (He/She leaves)
Noi part-iamo (We leave)
Voi part-ite (You leave)
Loro part-ono (They leave)
Viaggiare (to travel)
Sognare (to dream)
Costare (to cost)
Chiamare (to call)
Toccare (to touch)
Cucinare (to cook)
Baciare (to kiss)
Saltare (to jump)
Scopare (to clean the floor)
Attraversare (to cross)
Disegnare (to draw)
Cercare (to look for)
Ascoltare (to listen to)
Aspettare (to wait for)
Tirare (to throw)
Imparare (to learn)
Insegnare (to teach)
Abitare (to live)
Principali verbi in –ARE
Fare (to do/to make)
Mangiare (to eat)
Andare (to go)
Tornare (to come back)
Camminare (to walk)
Ballare (to dance)
Parlare (to talk)
Suonare (to play musical intruments)
Cantare (to sing)
The italian verbs are organized in 3 groups according to their desinences: the ones which end with –ARE, the ones which end with –ERE and the ones which end with –IRE. Each group follows a different conjucation (even if Italian grammar has a lot of exceptions and irregular forms):
Io am-erò (I will love)
Tu am-erai (You will love)
Lui/lei am-erà (He/She will love)
Noi am-eremo (We will love)
Voi am-erete (You will love)
Loro am-eranno (They will love)
Io am-avo (I loved)
Tu am-avi (You loved)
Egli am-ava (He/She loved)
Noi am-avamo (We loved)
Voi am-avate (You loved)
Essi am-avano (They loved)
Io avrò (I will have)
Tu avrai (You will have)
Lui/Lei avrà (He/She will have)
Noi avremo (We will have)
Voi avrete (You will have)
Loro avranno (They will have)
Io avevo (I had)
Tu avevi (I had)
Lui/Lei aveva (He/She had)
Noi avevamo (We had)
Voi avevate (You had)
Loro avevano (They had)
Io ho (I have)
Tu hai (You have)
Lui/Lei ha (He/She has)
Noi abbiamo (We have)
Voi avete (You have)
Loro hanno (They have)
Io am-o (I love)
Tu am-i (You love)
Lui am-a (He/She loves)
Noi am-iamo (We love)
Voi am-ate (You love)
Loro am-ano (They love)
Io sarò (I will be)
Tu sarai (You will be)
Lui/Lei sarà (He/She will be)
Noi saremo (We will be)
Voi sarete (You will be)
Loro saranno (They will be)
Io ero (I was)
Tu eri (You were)
Lui/Lei era (He/She was)
Noi eravamo (We were)
Voi eravate (You were)
Loro erano (They were)
Io sono (I am)
Tu sei (You are)
Lui/Lei è (He/She is)
Noi siamo (We are)
Voi siete (You are)
Loro sono (They are)
Singolari Plurali
io (I) mio/a ← (my) → miei/mie
tu (you) tuo/a ← (your) → tuoi/tue
lui/lei (he/she) suo/a ← (his/her) → suoi/sue
noi (we) nostro/a ← (our) → nostri/e
voi (you) vostro/a ← (your) → vostri/e
loro (they) loro ← (their) → loro
Adesso tocca a voi!!
infornare (to bake) ( infornare la pizza [nel forno] (to bake the pizza into the oven)
pulire (to clean) ( pulire la cucina (to clean the kitchen) / il pavimento (the floor) / il pesce (the fish) ecc..
grattuggiare (to grate) ( grattuggiare il formaggio (to grate the cheese)
accendere ⨪ spegnere (turn on ⨪ turn off) ( accendere / spegnere il fornello ( turn on/ turn off the stove/ the cooker)
impiattare (to serve) ( impiattare la pasta (to serve the pasta)
cucinare (to cook)
mangiare (to eat)
tagliare (to cut)
pelare (to peel)
sbucciare (to peel)
friggere (to fry)
bollire (to boil)
versare (to pour) ( versare l’acqua nella pentola (to pour the water into the pot)
aggiungere (to add)
impanare (to bread/ to crumb) ( impanare la bistecca (to bread/ crumb the steak)
rosolare (to brown)
scolare (to drain) ( scolare la pasta (to drain the pasta)
l'acqua (water)
il vino (wine) → barbera, nebbiolo,
la birra (beer)
la patata (potato)
la carota (carrot)
le verdure (vegetables)
la farina (flour)
il lievito (yeast)
lo zucchero (sugar)
il sale (salt)
il formaggio (cheese)
l'oliva (oliv) → l'olio (oil)
la carne (the meat)
il pesce (the fish)
il pollo (the chicken)
il manzo (the beef)
il maiale (the pork)
la bistecca (the steak)
il prosciutto (ham)
la salsiccia (sausage)
l'uovo (egg)
il pomodoro (tomato) → salsa/sugo (sauce)
la cipolla (onion)
la mela (apple)
la banana (banana)
l'arancia (the orange)
il limone (lemon) → il limoncello
la pera (pear)
il melone (melon)
l'anguria (watermelon)
il pane (bread)
la pasta
il riso (rice)
gli spaghetti
le pennette
le tagliatelle
le lasagne
l'aglio (garlic)
il cioccolato (chocolate)
-Cosa fai nella vita? (what do you do in your life?)
- Sono uno studente/ il mio lavoro è... (I’m a student/ my job is...)
-Quanto costa? (how much is it?)
- costa… euro (it’s… euro)
-Dove posso cambiare i soldi? (where can I exchange my money?)
- Nella banca qua vicino (in the bank near by here)
-Dove si trova ….?/ Dove posso trovare… ? (Where is the…/ where can I find the….?)
- Si trova…/ E’… (it’s…)
Perché (why/because)
Come (how)
Quando (when)
Mentre (while)
Dove (where)
Chi (who)
Quale (which)
Tuttavia (however)
In ogni caso (in any case)
Ma/ Anzi/ Però (but)
Cioé (that is/ or better)
Per esempio (for example)
Entro (within)
Oltre (beyond)
Se (if)
Quindi (so)
Inoltre (besides)
Nonostante (despite)
Infatti (in fact/indeed)
… e … (… and…)
… per … (… for …)
… di … (…of…)
…a… (…to…)
…da… (…from…)
…in… (…in…)
… con… (…with…)
…senza… (…without…)
…tra/fra… (…between/among…)
…che… (…that/which/who…)
più... che... (more... than...)
meno... che... (less... than...)
uguale a (the same of)
il/lo (male singular)
la (female singular)
l' (when the word starts with a vocal)
le (female plural)
gli/i (male plural)
-In bocca al lupo (to the mouth of the wolf) good luck
-Sono al verde (I’m in the green) I don’t have money anymore
-Ho la testa fra le nuvole (my mind is among the clouds) I’m inattentive/absent-minded
-Tutto fumo, niente arrosto (all smoke, no roast) There is no substance (just smoke) in something.
-Meglio soli che male accompagnati (it’s better to be alone than with a bad company)
- Piove sempre sul bagnato (It always rains on the wet) we say that when a rich person continue to become rich
-Non cantare vittoria (do not sing the glory) do not deceive yourself when you are doing something
-La ciliegina sulla torta (the cherry on the top [of the cake]) We say that when something is completed in perfect way
Cosa ti piace? (what do you like?)
Che cos'è? (what is it)
Non lo so (I don't know)
Quanti/e sono...? (How many are...?)
Dov'è.../ Dove si trova...? (where is...?)
-Che ora è? (what time is it?)
- Sono le…/ E’… (it’s … o’clock)
Remember that in Italy we are one hour back
Let's start
our travel
Principal time adverbs
Mai (never)
Raramente/ di rado (rarely/seldom)
A volte (sometimes)
Di solito (usually)
Spesso (often)
Sempre (always)
-Grazie (thank you\ thanks) \ Grazie mille (thank you very much)
-Prego (you are welcome)
-Mi scusi/ scusa (excuse me/ sorry)
-Di niente (that’s ok)
-Come stai? (how are you?)
-tutto bene / così così / non molto bene (I’m fine/ more or less/ not so well)
-Come ti chiami? (what’s your name?)
-Mi chiamo… (my name is…)
-Quanti anni hai? (how old are you?)
-[io] ho … anni (I’m … years old)
-Da dove vieni? \ Di dove sei? (where are you from?)
-Vengo da…\ Sono di… (I come from…)
First Italian Lesson:
Ciao (hi)\ salve (hello)
Buongiorno (good morning)
Buon pomeriggio (good afternoon) but not very common
Buonasera (good evening)
Buonanotte (good night)
Arrivederci (good bye)
A presto (see you soon)
Buona giornata (have a nice day)
Ci vediamo domani (see you tomorrow)
Buon appetito (enjoy your meal)
Buona fortuna (good luck)
Sì (yes) ≠ No (no)