Giraffe evolution
The way in which scientists think the animal has changed over time.
The okapi is the giraffes intermediate ancestor,it has few
similarities of giraffes one of them is their long tongue, also they both eats leaves.
The giraffe has not always had a long neck nor been a tall creature. Over around 50 million years ago, giraffes have thought to of been a 3m tall antelope like animal, which slowly evolved into what’s now known as the giraffe. This antelope creature was thought to be the forefather of the 2 remaining members of the giraffidea family, the modern giraffe and the okapi. More then 10 fossils have been discovered, which supports this theory of giraffe evolution.
The giraffe
The brachiosauras was one of the
giraffes early ancestors,if you really
think about it they have similar traits
the long neck is an example,also they both are herbivores.
Is a direct ancestor.
they leaved 15 million
years ago.
Body Structure
The giraffe has a unique body structure that is specially adapted to their way of life. In their long neck they have seven vertebrae’s that are extremely elongated and separated with very flexible joints. They also have thick muscular shoulder to support their long necks. This structure has evolved over time to ensure that the giraffe can survive in the wild.
The antelopes are one of the giraffes
common ancestors.scientists can tell
because of its similarities.if you look at their ears they are similar,and like the giraffe the love to it fallen leves from acacia tree.
Two views of evolution. In Dawin's original concept, change occurs gradually as the better adapted individuals in each generation survive and pass on their traits. In the punctuated model, changes come rapidly when a new species forms. The better adapted species survives; others become extinct.
By:Daniela Lorwich , Maria Alejandra Familia Genao , Meredith Martinez , Daniela Peña Corniel , Karla Patricia Maria Jaquez.