Over the last few years, the volume of data stored by companies, has had exponential growth.
A Practical Case Study
The near future
Big Data Tools
How is it useful?
Big Data Startups
Gartner, Inc. is an American information technology research and advisory firm headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut,
United States.
Gartner Predicts:
Big Data will drive $232 Billion in
IT spending through 2016.
Average of $210 Million in Funding.
Up to 20 Financing Deals per month!
Big Data Startups are hot and that means money!
2013 was the year of Big Data and investors knew that. They have found the Big Data Startups from around the world and they are betting heavily on many promising Big Data Start ups.
Why should we SELL it?
Note: In 2013 alone, there was a boost of more than 300% investment on a per year ratio.
And this is just the start.
SOURCE: [http://www.mckinsey.com/insights/strategy/are_you_ready_for_the_era_of_big_data]
The top marketing executive at a sizable US retailer recently found herself perplexed by the sales reports she was getting. A major competitor was steadily gaining market share across a range of profitable segments. Despite a counter punch that combined online promotions with merchandizing improvements, her company kept losing ground.
In 15 of the US economy’s 17 sectors, companies with more than 1,000 employees store, on average, over 235 terabytes of data within a year—more data than is contained in the US Library of Congress.
Failure to analyze this data, using Big Data technologies, in the coming 3-5 years will throw these companies out of competition.
The Big Data ecosystem is changing rapidly and apart from the Venture Capital Firms investing in the big data start ups, there have been many acquisitions.
2015 Projected Per-Company Spending on Big Data.
Global Investments.
How much has the world invested in Big Data?
Top 10 Big Data Start ups
In US alone, by 2018, there will be a 50-60% shortfall of data scientists*.
Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft reckons the "data dividend" could be worth
$1.6 trillion (£950bn; 1.2tn euros) to big data business over the next four years.
How much did the acquirer pay to acquire these companies?
For the most part, the prices are undisclosed. But here are some prices we could find.
Throughout this presentation, this is the most
critical point.
Let's cover this point a little later, when we have,
a more developed context of Big Data.
Per-Company Big Data spending in 2012 by region.
Now that we have a little context of Big Data and it's capabilities, let's look at this point in detail.
2013 Big Data VC Funds
Three new Big Data Venture Capital Funds were created in 2013.
2013 Big Data Acquisitions/month: who acquired whom.
Over time, big data may well become a new type of corporate asset that will cut across business units and function much as a powerful brand does, representing a key basis for competition.
In 2012, Splunk raised $331 million. 2013 saw 2 more Big Data IPO's , and there are more to come in the following years.
2013 Big Data IPOs
Top Big Data Venture Capital Firms
Data Warehouse (DWH) & Big Data
What is DWH & Big Data?
Structured Data
Data that resides in a fixed field within a record is called structured data. This includes data contained in relational databases and spreadsheets.
Semi Structured
Form of structured data that does not conform with all the formal structure of data models associated with relational databases.
e.g. XML & JSON.
Unstructured Data
Data that either does not have a pre-defined data model or is not organized in a pre-defined manner.
Big Data
Highly paid jobs with 2-3 years of Big Data exposure!
Proven Pathway to earn profits from $ 31 Million to $ 2.7 Billion,
& Onwards!
Q & A
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