"Science demands from a man all his life. If you had two lives that would not be enough for you. Be passionate in your work and in your searching." - Ivan Pavlov
About Ivan Pavolv
Ivan's Theory
Important contribution
Pavlov was a behaviorist. This means that his theories focused on observable behavior, because behavior can be measured and thought can not. He also found out about the way the digestive system works.
Work cited
Ivan's Career
Interesting facts
Pavlov's primary interests were the study of physiology and natural sciences. He helped found the Department of Physiology at the Institute of Experimental Medicine and continued to oversee the program for the next 45 years.
Pavlov married Seraphima Vasilievna Karchevskaya in 1881 and had five children, one of whom died at a very young age.
When he died he requested one of his students to be by his side to record his death.
Ivan would have a set time for everything he did each day, woke up at the same time each day, ate lunch at exactly 12 each day, and went to bed at the same time every single evening.
in Ryazan, Russia
Born-September 26, 1849
Early life of Ivan
Died-February 27, 1936
in Saint Petersburg, Russia
Ivan Pavlov was born in a small village in Ryazan, Russia, where his father was the village priest. His earliest studies were focused on theology, but reading Charles Darwin's On the Origin of the Species had a powerful influence on his future interests. He soon abandoned his religious studies and devoted himself to the study of science. In 1870, he began studying the natural sciences at the University of Saint Petersberg.
Went to Saint Petersburg State University
Ivan Pavlov Theorist By: Emily Bistodeau