- Fewer children are enrolling in school despite the increase in the budget for education
- The number of teachers working in public school decreases every year
Service Learning Activity!
Ang, Endab, Lunaria, Montanez, Tan
- education is our priority
- as future teachers, we will never stop learning and helping children
- help in our own little ways (donations, outreach programs, teach
for free etc.)
Why is it happening?
- Population growth
- unemployment
- government concerns
- disability
What does this mean?
What can you do about it?
Gaining deeper understanding
in the light of:
- the scriptures
- church social teachings
- Resources of traditions
- Christian faith in general
- Philippines is considered a third world
country (a country that lack development)
- Philippines has a growing population who
consider themselves poor
- Hold outreach programs or service learning
in all theology courses
- Have talks concerning these outreach programs
- Schools or organizations should hold programs
that will benefit the less fortunate
(teaching and feeding programs)
- Encourage People to donate
for the funding of better
education for the less fortunate
- Ask people to donate school
supplies that will help in the
learning experience of the
less fortunate
importance of education and
how it will be able to help
people move out from poverty.