Harry S. Truman
White and Black Soldiers Fighting Together
Fun Facts
Truman Meeting Queen Elizabeth the II
Harry S. Truman
Significant Historical Event
Time in office:1945-1953
Born:May 8th 1884 Lamar Missouri
Died :December 26th 1972
Picture of Truman's family
Significant Decisions
Involving America in the korean war
Implementing the Marshall Plan
- Overall good president
- Made the best decisions
- Bold on Decisions
- Well liked and had warm heart
- A E Networks, A E Networks, ed. "Harry S. Truman." Bio. True Story. A E Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.biography.com/people/harry-s-truman-9511121?page=4>.
- Sidey,Freidel , Fran,Hugh. "Harry S. Truman." Bio. True Story. the White House Historical Association, n.d. Web. 23 Oct 2013<http://www.whitehouse.gov/about/presidents/harrystruman>.
- "The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan." U.S. Department of State. A E Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Oct 2013. <http://history.state.gov/departmenthistory/short-history/truman>.
Visual Citations
Visual Citations Continued
- Harry Truman the White House. N.d. Photograph. the White HouseWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/first-family/masthead_image/33ht_header_sm.jpg?1250884801>.
- The Raleigh DeGeer Amyx Collection, . A PENSIVE HARRY S. TRUMAN. 2010. Photograph. The Raleigh DeGeer Amyx CollectionWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.americanheritage1.com/assets/images/presidents/harry-truman-photo-3.gif>.
- SHS, . Portrait of the Truman family showing Harry, his daughter, Margaret, and his wife, Bess. Artist Greta Kempton painted the portrait of the first family around 1950.. 1952. Photograph. The State Historical Society of Missouri Web. 23 Oct 2013. <http://shs.umsystem.edu/historicmissourians/name/t/trumanh/images/large/1952-0035.jpg>.
- Presidents Before They were Presidents. 2012. Photograph. Presidents Before They were PresidentsWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb5jpnun1f1rhb4gio1_500.jpg>.
- W.T. Horne photograph,, . Union Pacific conductor checks time. 2013. Photograph. Rails WestWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.railswest.com/images/UPconductorcheckstimes.jpg>.
- Interior Illustration Arcylic Ink, . "The Incredible Hat Shop". N.d. Photograph. David WenzelWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.davidwenzel.com/images/childrens/hat/Hat-Shop-1.jpg>.
- Chronology Harry S. Truman's Life and Presidency. N.d. Photograph. Harry S. Truman Liberary & museumWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.trumanlibrary.org/photos/64-1-5s.gif>. AP, . Princess Elizabeth and Harry S Truman sit in the library of the Canadian Embassy in Washington on 2 November 1951. N.d. Photograph. The TelegraphWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01381/1951-truman_1381109i.jpg>.
- Lt. Gen. George S. Patton, U.S. Third Army commander, pins the Silver Star on Private Ernest A. Jenkins of New York City for his conspicuous gallantry in the liberation of Chateaudun, France, October 13, 1944.. 2013. Photograph. Bill Cain OnlineWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://billcainonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/african-americans-wwii-017-240x300.jpg>.
- The Bomb of Nakasiki. 2008. Photograph. One's Man BlogWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://static.onemansblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/06/the-first-atomic-bomb-small.gif>.
- DESTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS WITH BRICK LOAD BEARING WALLS. Note how brick debris lies inside wall facing blast, at remains of a barracks at the Japanese Army Divisional Grounds, 4,200 feet from ground zero at Hiroshima. The Koa Fire Insurance Co., 1,300 feet from ground zero, is completely destroyed except for the heavy walls of the vault.. N.d. Photograph. Chapter III How the Atomic Bomb WorksWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/AAF/USSBS/AtomicEffects/icn/AtomicEffects-p34b.jpg>.
- Camera Operator: PFC E. E. Green, U.S. Army, .File:Korean War HA-SN-98-07085.JPEG. 2013. Photograph. Wikimedia CommonsWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Korean_War_HA-SN-98-07085.JPEG/771px-Korean_War_HA-SN-98-07085.JPEG>.
- U.S. Government, . File:US-MarshallPlanAid-Logo.svg. N.d. Photograph. WikipediaWeb. 23 Oct 2013. <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/24/US-MarshallPlanAid-Logo.svg/506px-US-MarshallPlanAid-Logo.svg.png>.