Why do we comment?
It's our civic duty!
To preserve future claims
To gain writing experience
To interact directly with decision-makers
What is a comment?
a detailed letter
written to an agency
concerning an upcoming
agency action
How do I start to write a comment?
Start Writing!
Send to your Project Coordinator
before the last possible moment!
3.4.1. Overview
There is no basis for asserting that any risk is plausible to either workers or members of the
general public in the use of Gypchek to control the gypsy moth. As discussed in both the
exposure and dose-response assessments, the current risk assessment extends the U.S. EPA risk
assessment by proposing a surrogate acute RfD and presenting a very conservative exposure
assessment based on the accidental spray of a home garden. This approach is taken simply to
facilitate the comparison of risks (or lack of risk) associated with Gypchek to the risks associated
with other agents used to control the gypsy moth. Based on a relatively standard dose-response
assessment and very conservative exposure assumptions, plausible exposures to Gypchek are
below a level of concern by factors of about 50 to over 750. While more typical exposures – i.e.,
incidental exposure to Gypchek in water or air – are not provided, they will be substantially less
than the range of doses in the accidental exposure scenarios used to quantify risk.
Read the rule or permit thoroughly and look for things that are wonky.
Review the relevant law(s).
Gather all the pertinent documents.
Agency Websites
NEDC Website