Journey To Behavior Based Safety
How to achieve World Class Safety through employee involvement
Behavior Based Safety
Creating World Class Safety through our employees
- A Behavior Based Safety program is intended to enable company employees to have a Safe work behavior, stopping of work that is unsafe, and looking out for fellow employee!
- Using Peer to peer method of coaching, counseling, and encouraging all employees to reinforce safe behavior.
Benefits of BBS to Cardinal as a Whole!
- Increased Hazard Recognition
- Data gathered is used to recognize trends
- Employees have greater sense of ownership of the Safety within the company
- Lower Incident and Mod rates
- Enhanced reporting
- Easily Share Recognized Hazards
- Trended data used to enhance program
- Incentives may be tied to quality observations and behaviors
- Increased Employee Retention
- Enhanced Employee recognition
New Workplace Violence policy ?
- They are encouraged and rewarded for safety participation.
- More personal recondition.
- Rewards are more for Hazard recondition and Prevention, along with being safe and the safety of fellow employees.
- Less of avoiding the reporting of incidents and injuries.
- Front-line management are the ones driving the safe behavior through observations, safety audits, training and daily communication with their staff.
- Set Goals, provide recognition and rewards for all employee, along with positive leadership and encouragement.
Safety Observation Cycle:
1. Observe people
2. Analyze their work practices by focusing on safe and unsafe behaviors
3. Talk with them about safety
4. Actively correct and prevent unsafe acts and conditions
5. Reinforce safe behavior
6. Report your observations
Managers & Supervision Involvement
Turning employees from simple followers into active participants in the safety processes can strengthen the level of their engagement and ultimately will reduce accidents.
- Front line Management and supervisors must visually and verbally support the culture process
- Conduct frequent observations
- Have Daily meetings reviewing safety and observations
- Highlighting good observations and identify individuals who demonstrated safe behavior
- Talk to employees about their safety concerns
- Emphasized a team environment
- Review safety and operational procedures and policies with employees and answer questions
- Ensure proper training before using an employee in new area.
All employees need to be taught and understand their safety HAZARDS
All employees need to have knowledge and understand the Safety and Operational Policies and Procedures
All employees need to own and understand their safety RESPONSIBILITIES
Key points of Behavior-Based Safety
- Leadership: We lead by as I do!
- Staff of safety: Pre-screen new employees-during interview ask about for prior safety commitments within former employment. Hire for the right attitude toward safety...less resistance coming in the door!
- Employees: Train staff to eliminate "At Rick Behavior", and Acknowledge positive behaviors learned and demonstrated.
- Evaluation, Recognition & Rewards: Old Way…Incident rates or OSHA recordable injuries are the primary measure of success...New Way…Safety behavior, safety skills, and contributing to the safety process are used to measure safety success.
- The 3 Ps…Policies, Procedures, and Programs: Written Policies and Procedures provide a “road map” to a successful culture and communicates the rights and responsibilities of employer and employees
- Are we still having accidents and injuries
- Do we still have damaged equipment and product
- Do we still deal with housekeeping and hazards left for others to find.....
- Try to understand “why employees do what they do”
- Identify and change “bad” behavior
- Reinforce good safety practice
- Talk about safety everyday
- Use of “safety observation cards”
Its behavior: The major objective of an effective Safety culture or workplace is to make safe behavior a habit.
Progression of a Safety Culture
We build safety into our business by:
- People: Training them from day one to understand hazards and safe operations in order to work safely and look out for the safety of others.
- Processes: by allocating time to do the job safely
- Procedures: by creating instructions to follow in order to do the job right and safely.
- Workstations: Machinery is guarded and safety devices are installed.
- And we continue to build a culture that identifies hazards as they arise and a process of eliminating recurrence.
Level Five: Continuous Improvement / Utopia
How do we create that change in behavior?
- We create a BBS process that focuses on observing and correcting behaviors, not attitudes, that are critical to safety.
- We teach employees how to perform their job duties safely through observations.
- The process encourages safe behavior and discourages unsafe or destructive behaviors.
- It involves employees in safety... employees are rewarded and recognized for Positive safe behaviors and for identifying hazards that could lead to injury.
- Our Goal is to create an environment where, rather than have safety as something that is being done to the employee or for the employee, it’s something that’s being done with the employee or by the employee. Once people begin to own it, everyone can experience a safer workplace.”
- Real change happens inside out, “People get better because they change their attitudes, not because there is pressure placed on them from the outside.” Forcing change creates push back!
Progression of a Safety Culture
- Prevention of all injuries and illnesses is a core corporate value… with top management leading the way
- Sustained period of “zero injury” status but no complacency
- A range of indicators are used to measure performance and improvement (Leading& Lagging)
- Striving to find new hazard control mechanisms
- All employees accept the belief that safety is a part if their job and what they do.
- Considerable investment in promoting safety and health (on and off the job)
- Incident rates / EMR are under industry standards with significant savings.
Level Four: Cooperating / Empowerment
Old Way…
Safety is your No 1 priority
New Way…
Safety is an integral part of Our business success! "Safety is part of who we are and what we do!"
How do we create that change in behavior?
- Incident rates / EMR are under industry standards
- Safety is seen as a moral and economic benefit
- Significant pro-active measures are in place
- A healthy lifestyle (non-work) is promoted
- Leading indicators are used to drive the culture
"Management is integral to Our change, most initiatives target employee behavior alone, but to do this everyone must be all in and lead by example."
"For long-lasting change, everyone must make a behavioral change -- not only the hourly employees."
“Behavior-based safety done right can be very effective at helping us discover why employees are taking risk, and to find the core organizational causes of risk,” " Done wrong, it can be used to mask failures within the organization and management."
Perception.....what is ours on safety?
The key challenge to safety is to inspire people to be self-accountable.
Its not always as it seems....
So how do we create the environment that gets people to the point of becoming accountable about Safety.
Where people understand that safety starts with them first..."they have to want to be safe and want to care and look out for the safety of others too".......
Safety Program vs Safety Culture
Progression of a Safety Culture
How do people see safety?
Level Three: Involving / Observation
Safety Programs…
Are planned outlines of how the company will address OSHA compliance issues. (Basic,It's the SOP to comply with OSHA)
Safety Culture… is the attitude, beliefs, perceptions and even values that employees share in relation to safety in the workplace.
Safety culture is a part of organizational culture, with the phrase "Safety is an integral part what they do and what we do to make it part of Our business success!".
- Incident rates / EMR are lower…but still not under industry standards
- Involvement of front line employees and supervision seen as critical components to culture
- Accidents causes are varied and root cause is investigated
- All employees accept responsibility for safety
Is Safety 3rd? "Safety is on You!
From the Beginning
Progression of a Safety Culture
Seeing the progression,
Where are we and how do we stand
Management has delivered the Safety message...but that same message doesn't always flow the employee.
Level Two: Managing / Traditional
So the Safety culture that we think is evolving...and what is happening could be Two different things.
Safety could just be a passing statement!
- Goals to meet EMR ( Experience Modifier Rate) average for our industry.
- Safety is seen as a business risk – management has input
- Safety is based on engineering controls as their main focus
- Accidents are seen as preventable
- Lagging indicators used to measure performance after the fact.
In the last three years we have....
- Identified more than a two thousand hazards and eliminated them through safety walk through (pictures)
- Educated the our facility on identifying & reporting close to 800 close calls and hazards.
- We continue to reduced our incident rate (Dart/TCIR) by... managing over 500 injuries that could have lead to OSHA recordable incidents if unattended.
- We have progressed to more of a Safety culture than Safety program and standard compliance.
- We have had 11 different months without recordable incidents in the last 36 months
- And over 400 new employees have gone through Orientation and Safety training upon entry within Cardinal.
Progression of a Safety Culture
Level One: Emerging / Realization
Progression from Safety systems to a Safety Culture
What is the next step say?
What is Behavior based Safety?
From Good To Great Safety Performance
- Safety activities defined by achieving OSHA compliance.
- Accidents are seen as unavoidable and part of the job.
- Front line staff are uninterested in safety but prioritize production as #1.
- Safety is used as an “issue” to be argued "we have always done it that way"
- Management delegates safety and leaves it up to the HR/Safety personnel for compliance.
Five Levels of Progression Towards a Safety Culture
Level Five: Continuous Improvement / Utopia
Level Four: Cooperating / Empowerment of the workforce
Level Three: Involving / Observation
Level Two: Managing / Traditional
Level One: Emerging / Realization
Behavior Based Safety is a process that helps employees identify and choose a safe behavior over an unsafe one.