Mesopotamia VS Ancient Egypt
- The Pharaoh was the head of the Egyptian government followed by his highest officials. The land revolved around agriculture.
- Mesopotamia was ruled by kings. Each king ruled one city. Each king set rules and systems that they believed were best for their people.
- Sumerians were polytheistic, or believed in more than one god. King and priests were required to stay in touch with the gods and give rich sacrifices.
- the Egyptians were also polytheistic but tended to focus on their most important god Ra. Egyptian priests also offered rich sacrifices to their various gods.
- The Tigris and Euphrates river flooded unpredictably and violently; farming was difficult and extensive irrigation systems were needed.
- Most settlements were near the Nile river, which flooded regularly and did not require complex irrigation systems. Agriculture was a staple trade.
Social Structure
- Mesopotamian social structure consisted of kings, priests and officials on top, the middle class of merchants and farmers, and finally the slaves.
Social Structure
- Starts from Pharaohs, to officials, nobles and priests, soldiers, scribes, merchants, artisans, farmers, and slaves and servants.