Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health
By: Tiffany and Tricia
Monday, June 25, 1990
Vol XCIII, No. 311
The Court Case
Positions on the case
The Incident
The lawyers that were against Cruzan didnt believe that they had any right for the life support plug to be pulled. On the otherhand,
lawyers on Cruzan's side believed that there should be a worthy regulation or official document
that states when treatment may be refused.
About the Case
It was discussed that if it was in violation of the 14th
amendment, the right to refuse medical treatment,
the parents of Nancy Cruzan could refuse treatment
for their daughter due to her unresponsive and
vegetative state.
The decision was a 4-5 vote that ruled an
incompetent person is not able to exercise the right
to refuse treatment.
The Importance/Impact of the Court's Decision on U.S. Society
In 1983 Nancy Beth Cruzan was in an automobile accident which left her in an unresponsive, vegetative state. They said her parents believed that she should be taken off life support due to
her condition.
Althought the treatment could not be
refused, there was still an outcome
that later impacted the lives of others.
A document was created that a person could fill out and sign to determine when their medical treatment may be ceased once they reach a certain point of condition.
"Did the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment permit Cruzan's parents to refuse life-sustaining treatment on their daughters behalf?"