Fun Facts
Phylum Dinophyta
- Dinophyta can poison people called, Paralytic shellfish poisoning.
- They make the ocean red called, Red tide
- Belong to the Division Pyrrhophyta, meaning "fire plants"
- Kingdom: Chromalveolata
- Phylum: Dinoflagellata
- Classes: Dinophycaea
Ecological Role
- Photosynthesis
- Algae
- Other dinoflagellates
- Eggs/ larvae of plankton
Glossary terms
- eat eggs/larvae of plankton
- make shellfish poisonous
- can poison the water killing or making animals sick.
- Antapex-posterior-most part of the cell body
- Sulcus-a long furrow, often partially enclosing the propulsive flagellum,
- Apex-anterior-most part of the cell body,
- Apical Pore Complex-a pore or hole at the cell apex
- range from 0.0002 to 0.08 of an inch (5 to 2,000 micrometres)
- yellowish or brownish plastids (pigment)
- nuclei larger than other eukaryotes
- Armour
- Asexual reproduction by binary fission
- sexual reproduction (uncommon)
Life Span
Distrubution and habitat
lifespan will vary based on :
- exposure to sunshine
- external temperature,
- how quickly they require new nutrients
Will live about 1 to 3 months on low sunlight.
- Can be found from Arctic to tropical seas
- Unlikely to be found In Oregon