Add the correct adjective to complete the sentence:
1. Karla tiene zapatos de color ______.
(verde, rojos)
2. Margarita baila _______.
3. El bebe tiene ojos ________. (claros, cafe)
* Remember the rules for conjugating verbs, take away the ending -ar, -er, -ir; and you add the correct ending to fit the pronoun or noun and the tense...
Example: to present tense:
Marcos llora (llorar) cuando tiene frio.
Modifica el verbo, el adjetivo o otro adverbio en la oracion. Puede indicar lugar ,modo y tiempo... modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb in the sentence.
It may indicate time, place or way.
- los que indican lugar: cerca, lejos, enfrente, detras...
- los que indican modo:mal, bien, casi, deprisa...
- los que indican tiempo: antes, despues, luego...
*there are many other forms of adverbs that indicate other information, but for now we will work with these 3 forms
Write the correct Spanish pronoun for the following group of names:
1. Marie, Kevin y Diana = ________
2. Luisa y Carmen = __________
3. Jaime y Carlos = ________
4. Miriam= _______
5. Señor Markiewicz = ___________
... if its a statement...
1= noun(s) or pronoun(s)
3= everything else (adjectives,adverbs etc.)
lets practice forming statements...put in order the following group of words:
1. comen juntos Ellos
2. frio Carlos tiene
3. Write a sentence of your own.
Verbo = Highligted
Sustantivo/Pronombre= underline it
adjetivo / adverbio = dot it .... depends on which word/information we are enphasizing on...
Verbos , Adjetivos, Pronombres, Adverbios...
Orden estructural de las oraciones...
Structural order of sentences...
Califica,determina, modifica el sustantivo. Te dice algo del sustantivo.
Clasisifies, modifies,determines the noun. It tells you something about the noun.
Vamos a repasar...
~ Verbo : ACCIÓN (Action)
Regular verbs in spanish end in -ar,-er,-ir
- delicioso = delicious / El helado esta delicioso. The ice cream is delicious.
- pequeño=Small / Mi perro no es pequeño. My dog is not small.
~ Pronombres
Toman el lugar del nombre (take the place of the noun)
remember that this is a formal way of you.
Maria = Ella
Juan = Él
Ms. T :) = Usted
Juan y Maria = Ellos
Maria y Juana = Ellas
Jose y Juan= ellos
Juan, Maria, Jose, Juana = ustedes (vosotros)
Linda= tu (vos)
yo y Maria= nosotros
Conjugate the following verbs to present time to fit the noun or pronoun:
1. Jesus _____ (eschuchar) a su profesor. ~Jesus listens to his profesor.
2. Ustedes _______ (celebrar) mucho cuando no hay clases. ~You .
3. Debbie ______ (tener) varios lapices. ~ Debbie has several pencils.
Put in order the following group of words to make a statment sentence:
1. tiene Nancy calor. / Nancy is warm.
2. Eli alto brinca. / Eli jumps high.
3. dibuja Pablo bien. / Pablo draws well.