Submodules of MM
Other Components of SAP MM
MM-PUR: Purchasing
MM-CBP: Consumption-Based Planning
MM-SRV: External Services Management
- Bid invitation
- Award/order placement
- Acceptence of services
Tasks of purchasing;
- External procurement of materials&services
- Determination of possible source of supply
- Monitoring deliveries from and payments to vendors.
Procedure availale for;
Integration with; PM & PS modules.
- Foreign Trade and Customs
Benefits of MM
MM-CBP Consumption-Based Planning
MM-PUR Purchasing
MM-SRV External Services Management
MM-IM Inventory Management
MM-IV Invoice Verification
MM-IM: Inventory Management
MM-IV: Invoice Verification
Tasks of Inventory Management;
Tasks of Invoice Verification
- It completes material prcurement process
- It allows invoices
- It allows credit memo to be processes
- Management of material stocks on a quantity and value basis
- Planing, entry and documentation of all goods movement
- Carrying out the physical inventory
- Materail cost can be lowered down
- Controlling of indirect cost
- Reduction in loss of time of direct labor
- Control of manufacturing cycle
- Material congestion in a storage places avoided
- Improvement in delivery of the product
Types of Master Data in SAP MM
Material Master Data
Material in SAP is a rational representation of certain properties, goods or service that is an item of production, sales, purchasing, inventory management.
1. Material Master
2. Vendor Master
3. Info Records
4. Source list
5. Quota Arrangement
Vendor Master Data
Process Flow
Why is MM needed?
- Amount spend on material is higher than other inputs
- Reduces cost and improves profit
- Increases the value of the product
- Dependency of the quality of finished product
- Efficiency of an organization depends upon the availability of right material, in terms of quantity, time and place
What is SAP MM Module?
It supports the supplychain in terms of;
- requisitions,
- purchase orders,
- goods receipts,
- A/P,
- inventory management,
- BOM’s,
- master raw materials
- finished goods.
Prepared by; Meltem KAVALCILAR