Romeo and Juliet Acts 2-3
The Balcony!
Act 2, Scene 2
Act 3, Scene 1
Fight Scene
- Major themes: passion, night/day, identity
- What's in a name?
- The moon is inconstant, but their love is not
Act 2, Scene 1
Act 3, Scenes 2 & 3
- Romeo tries to stop the feud between houses (Tybalt v. Mercutio) because of his new love and union to Juliet
- Romeo inadvertently responsible for M's death
- M: "A plague on both your houses!"
- Love v. Hate. Theme: passion
Theme: Banishment (related to death by Juliet in s2 and Romeo s3)
Identity also a recurring theme, and passion in violence and love
- in love with Juliet now, not Rosaline
- theme of passion- passion lends them power
- night: a cloak, personified as moody by Benvolio
'Tis but thy name that is my enemy
Act 2, Scenes 4 & 5
Act 2, Scene 3
- Scene 4: Romeo like a new man, and is informed by friends that Tybalt is after him. Identity :Romeo means different things to Juliet and Mercutio
- Scene 5: Nurse delivers Romeo's message, go to the Friar to wed Romeo. Theme of Age/Authority: We see Juliet's immaturity
Act 2, Scene 6
The Wedding
- Foreshadowing: When Romeo swears any ensuing sorrows are worth even a minute of joy in Juliet's presence, he seems to have a sense that their love is dangerously brief.
- Identity: is there a loss of self when two become one?
Act 3, Scene 4
Oh that she knew she were...
- In this scene: Friar L agrees to marry R&J to each other (intending to stop the feud)
- Motifs: nature
- virtue and vice, love and hate, "opposing kings in man as well as herbs"
- parallel to plants and their relationship: as they seek marriage they also seek death
- Paris comes to ask for Juliet's hand, Capulet suddenly agrees
- Theme: authority (patriarchy)
Act 3, Scene 5
Last Meeting
- Themes: night/day, authority
- Romeo and Juliet both have premonitions about their death, say their final farewells
- Juliet refuses to marry Paris, says she'd rather die
What are the themes of the play? What have we seen o far in these Acts?