stands for:
window, icon, menu, pointing device
The WIMP interface has now become the most popular computer interface with Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac and Linux operating systems all following the idea.
The WIMP interface was first developed in 1973 at a research centre called Xerox PARC, before this idea came along most computers used the Command Line Interface.
A person needs to interact with a machine in order to make it do something useful. The way it is done is through an 'interface'.
There are a number of interface types. One of which is the Graphical User Interface or GUI for short.
You often hear a gui referred to as a WIMP interface.
Command Line Interface
A command line interface or CLI is a type of User Interface which enables you to interact with a computer by typing in a series of text commands.
MS-DOS is an example of a command line interface.
CLIs require you to know the exact, specific commands in order to make something happen. They are unforgiving; any mistakes will result in an error message.
the error message
Applemac icon
the logo
the types of things
gui gas designed