"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
-John F. Kennedy-
What is Pacifism?
The belief that it is wrong to use war or violence to settle disputes.
So, then what is Pacification?
Facts about Pacification
The act of forcibly suppressing or eliminating a population considered to be hostile.
1961 to 1963: President Kennedy launched a full-scale counterinsurgency in Vietnam
Fought to supress the Viet Cong.
Was deemed as "too little, too late" because the US had inefficient military tactics in Vietnam
In 1967, the organization Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS) was the task force to continue counterinsurgency battle.
President Nixon began to remove troops in 1969
Effect/ SIgnificance of Pacification During The 'Nam War
- A cooperative plan between America and the unstable South Vietnamese government
- inhibited Communist insurgency by using effective military force, reestablishing local governments, and providing economic aid
- More specifically, troops were to evacuate villagers, and then burn villages.
- Many Americans felt i t was unnecessary
Pacification was the U.S.'s policy to reestablish political stability in Vietnam.