“Colosseum Timeline”, Ancient History Encyclopedia,
“Chronology – Timeline of the Valley of the Colosseum”, The Colosseum,
80 CE : Titus Inaugurates the Colosseum
- Colosseum becomes open to the public
- Vespasian dies in 79 CE, so his son inaugurates the Colosseum
80-81 CE : Finishing Off
2nd Century : Building Repair
217 CE : Struck by Lightning
- Domitian, Titus' brother, completes the building up to the third floor
- He excavates the hypogeum under the arena
- Underground space is used to prepare the shows
- First repairs are carried out by Antonius Pius
- Done after a fire that destroyed 350 houses in the city
- Another fire ruins most of the amphitheater
- The Colosseum burns for days
- Repairs are done by Macrinus
- Building is reconstructed
- Only the skeleton of the former structure is left
71-72 CE : Start of Construction
- The new emperor Vespasian, gives back to the Romans much of Nero's Domus Aurea
- Construction starts of a public building - an amphitheater
- Located where Nero's lake was, at the bottom of the valley
222 CE : Rebuilt of the Colosseum
1930-Present : Opening of the Colosseum to the Public
- Alexander Severus rebuilds the Colosseum
- Becomes dedicated to the Gods
- Parades and rallies are held in the monument
- Became a famous visiting spot for tourist
- Most visited monument in Italy
404 CE : Last Gladiatorial Combat
- Emperor Theodosius established Christian orthodoxy
- Pagan holidays and customs are abolished
523 CE : Last Venatio
- The last staged hunt is performed for the public
1750 : Pope Protects the Colosseum
- Pope Benedict XIV forbids violation
- Restoration work starts in several areas of the monument
XV-XVIII Century : Looting Worsens
- Cartloads of stone are taken away from the Colosseum to build palaces and churches
410 CE : Cemetery
- The amphitheater is used as a cemetery after being abandoned
262 CE : Earthquake
- The Colosseum gets destroyed and most of Rome as well
VI-IX Century : Centuries of Neglect
- The valley starts filling up with dirt
- A road is built through the arena
- The Colosseum becomes property of the church
Colosseum Timeline
Creative Final by
Juliana Taveira