- New Hampshire was founded in 1623 by John Mason.
New Hampshire;
The New Colony
- This land was granted to camptain Mason,
who lived in Hampshire county, New England.
- New settlers were sent here to start a fishing colony.
- New Hampshire belonged to Massachusetts until 1679.
- Some important people involved with this wonderful, new colony are Captain John Mason, and Governor Sir John Wentworth.
- New Hampshire is part of the New England colonies.
By: Ally Victoria
- To our advantage the climate in New Hampshire is mainly chilly or cold; the cold climate prevents life-threatning diseases from spreading throughout our colony.
- Surrounded by New York and Massachusetts.
- Mostly hills and rocky soil.
Puritan. All the way. No tolerance.
Main Exports
Economic Opportunities
- lumber
- fish
- masts
- turpentine
- The economy in New Hampshire mainly focused on sawmills, shipyards, merchant's warehouses, and the village and town centers they established.
- Natural resources included fish, whales, trees, and furs.
- Main natural resource of our colony is our forests,
since we use the timber for masts and ship building.
- Farming, salt and sod production also call for jobs.
- Log homes with open fireplaces.
- Boys would be in charge of the firewood.
- Women will cook over fire.
- Education is very important. (Any town with 50 or more households require a schoolhouse.)
- Church is important in town life.
- All colonists are expected to attend services.
(cc) photo by Jakob Montrasio