Background On FIFA
- Was founded in 1904 since there was a need for a single body to oversee all of association football.
- Central government run by the FIFA Congress, where each of the 209 countries have one vote.
- Run by a President by the name of Sepp Blatter
- Claims to be a non-profit organization that exists for the "Three Pillars" of their Mission statement.
- Developing football everywhere and for all
- Organizing inspiring tournaments
- Caring about society and the environment
- All this seems fine and dandy right?
Aren't there laws to stop FIFA?
- FIFA has over $1 billion dollars in revenue, while Sepp Blatter has stated that this money is "a reserve".
- FIFA claims that they do not have to follow certain laws of the hosting country, since they have their own governing body.
- An example of this is how FIFA pressured the Brazilian government to lift it's alcohol ban in stadiums, in order for FIFA to sell Budweiser beer, one of it's sponsors.
- This law originally was created in order to curb the massive amount of sport related violence that resulted in the death of over 11 people in the early 2000's.
- There are no rationals for a non-profit organization to make this much money.
- If everyone knew about these facts, they would never look at FIFA the same way again and hopefully will realize just how morally unjustifiable there actions are.
- And that is why FIFA needs to be exposed and reformed in order to save countless lives and restore the integrity of the soccer world.
- I will now leave you with a video of Sepp Blatter falling off a stage.
- The 2022 World Cup bid was won by Qatar.
- The average temperature in this country when the World Cup is played is 122 degrees Fahrenheit.
- Workers are not allowed to leave the country, while on average 4,000 workers die each year since there are no safety regulations.
- Homosexuality is illegal, and when Blatter was questioned on this serious matter he jokingly stated, "I would say the 'gay fans' should refrain from any sexual activites."
- It is widely thought that Blatter rigged the bidding for personal and political gain.
Current World Cup Scandals
This is what the streets of Brazil really look like...
- There is a common misconception that the hosting country gets a portion of the revenue that is made during the World Cup, however they do not see a cent of it.
- There has been numerous riots and protests in Brazil throughout to demonstrate that they are against the hosting of the World Cup.
- This is what the news portraits about the citizens of Brazil