Daily Life
- Aristocrats at the top (rich)
- Farmers
- Urban craftsmen
- Marriage and family life were very important
- Women were considered inferior
- Boys got education; girls were trained for household
- Schooling from 5 to 14
- Taught reading, writing, math, music, sport (typical of today)
- Could go on to the academy for advance learning
Social Classes
- Elementary schools for boys – reading writing, grammar, poetry, music, and gymnastics
- Older boys studied government, mathematics, ethics and rhetoric
- Eighteen-year-old males received a year of military service
Athen had multipe forms of gov't including tryants
Solon first reform the gov't
Cliethenes set the Council of 500 (first legislature)
Athenian democracy – direct democracy
-Every free male got one vote on every law
- Invented-
- The Western Arts: Drama, poetry
- The Western Sciences: anatomy, geometry, astronomy, history
- Archimedes screw, the first engine, Parthenon