Be cautious during blood transfusions,organ transplants or using syringes and needles because the these pathogen is passed through the bloodstream.
When working with paitents blood wash hands before and after prodecure. Must wash hands for at least 20 seconds, the same length as the birthday song or ABCs.
Susceptible Host
Put bug spray or bug repellent on before going outside.
Take antimalarial drug called doxycyline. Some common ones you can be prescribed to by your doctor are Oracea and Monodox.
Anyone can get this disease regardless of race,sexuality, or age so limit being outdoors for only a couple of hours at a time.
Malaria Chain of Infection
Don't expose your skin by wearing long sleeve shirts and jeans when being outside for long periods of time.
Set up mosquito nets by the doors of your house to prevent them from getting inside your house.
Avoid having resting water near your house. Many mosquitoes like to rest in areas where there is alot of water.
Portal of Entry
Portal of Exit
Route of Transmission
Avoid being outside for long periods at a time especially during the hot summer months where mosquito season is at its peak.