Socratic Circles
- Speak loud and clearly?
- Use the text for support?
- Listen to others respectfully? Not interrupt
- Stay on topic
- Talk to each other, not just the leader?
- Avoid slang?
- Ask for help to clear confusion?
- Support others?
- Seem prepared?
Discussion Circle Norms
Video Reflection:
- What did you notice the students doing?
- How were they interacting?
- What else did you notice?
Watch this!
What is a socratic circle?
- Listen Carefully
- One person speaks at a time
- Participate openly
- Value others opinions
- Refer to the text to defend your claims
- Avoid side conversations (1 discussion)
- Give others your respect- accept answers without judgment
- Don't raise hands- Take turns
- Talk to each other- not just the teacher
- Discuss ideas rather than each other's opinions
It is a method to understand an idea through the use of discussion (talking) and reference to a text.
Refer to the text when you need to during the discussion. A seminar is not a test of memory. You are aiming to understand, not memorize information or ideas.
How is it set up?
Outside Circle Norms
- Sit behind your assigned person
- Stay silent at all times
- Record notes about the conversation
- Record notes about your partner's participation
- 2 circles (1 inside, 1 outside)
- Inside circle is discussing
- Outside circle is taking notes (silently)
- Leader= Ms. Beary (for now...)
- Will ask questions to discuss
At the end...
- Write down your discussion strengths and weaknesses