Economy and Culture of Canada
Lesson Frame
An Increasingly Diverse Economy 2
SKILL BUILDER: Interpreting Graphs
Human Perspective
- 16 Century
- Fur Trade
- First Nations = Canada's Native Americans
- Europeans
- Brisk Trading
- Voyageurs
Tertiary Economic Sector
- Main Driver of Economy
- 70% Plus
- Finance
- Utilities
- Trade
- Transportation
- Tourism
- Communications
- Insurance
- Real Estate
Secondary Economic Sector
- Most done in Southern Quebec/Ontario
- 13% of Population
- 1/8th of GDP
- Automobiles
- Steel
- Appliances
- Electronics
- High-Tech
- Mining Equipment
52% Men
48% Women
- 75% Tertiary Sector
- 13% Secondary Sector
- Labor Force Well Educated
- Oldest University "Laval" Quebec est. French settlement
- First English Universities 1780's
New Brunswick & Nova Scotia
Settlement Patterns
- Harsh Environment
- Accessibility of Transportation Routs
- Densely Populated Areas
Port Cities - Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, and Rich Farmlands
- 80% of population lives on 10% of land
100 mile wide strip along Canada/U.S. boarder
Topic: Economy and Culture of Canada
EQ: What factors shaped the Economy and Culture of Canada?
I Will: Explain how Canada is highly industrialized and urbanized, with one of the worlds most developed economies.
We Will: Identify economic power and cultural diversity in Canada and describe Canadian life today.
Closing Activity: Develop one level 2 and one level 3 questions using Casta's and Bloom's Levels of Thinking. Write a summary of 5 to 10 sentences using the ACEE format.
Analyzing Data
1. Which sector showed the greatest increase in growth from 1951 to 2006? The greatest decrease in growth?
Making Generalizations
2. What might account for these changes in the economy?
- Bilingual Country - Official Languages - English/French
- English Speaking Majority
- French Speaking Majority only in Quebec
- First Nations People's language still survive
- English Settlers - Protestant
- French Settlers - Roman Catholic
- English/French Conflicts
- Other Religions
- 16% No Religious Affiliation
Outdoor Activities
Skating, Ice Hockey, Fishing, Skiing, Golf and Hunting
Professional Sports
- Canadian Football League
- Pro Hockey, Baseball and Basketball teams compete in U.S. Legues
- Natives developed Lacrosse
- Early European Settlers developed Ice Hockey
Two annual events
- Quebec Winter Carnival
- Calgary Stampede.
Chapter 7, Section 2 Assessment
page: 163 (Use your own paper)
Assignment number I-2910-12P
Due: Tuesday November 3, 2015
1. Places and Terms
2. Taking Notes
3. Main Ideas
4. Geographic Thinking
Main Ideas
An Increasingly Divers Economy
- Canada is highly industrialized and urbanized, with one of the world's most developed economies.
- Canadians are a divers people.
An Increasingly Diverse Economy 3
Essential Vocabulary
1. Summarize the main problem outlined in the graphic:
2. Explain how the Canadian government is trying to solve the problems:
- First Nations
- Metis
- Reserve
- Land of Diverse Cultures
- First Settlers - Inuit/First Nations
- English and French (languages/traditions)
- Cultural Convergence (French+Natives=Metis)
NAFTA - North American Free Trade Agreement
- 1994- U.S., Canada, Mexico
- Exports to U.S. 78%
- Imports from U.S. 52%
- Historically Relied on Trade
- Fur Trade - Natives/Europeans
- Trade Key Industry
- United States #1 Trading Partner (Longest Boarder)
- Common Language
Primary Economic Sector
- Farming - 5% suitable (domestic/export)
- Logging - #1 producer of news print, from wood pulp
- Mining - Extensive mineral deposits/oil
- Fishing - 3 Oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic
- Highly Industrialized/Urbanized
- Canadian GDP - Almost 18 billion US Dollars
- Early Economy - Based on Trade
- Today - Manufacturing/Service Industries