Each project will follow validation life cycle
All internal
Facility, equipment, and instruments, technology
Type V DMF Process Flow
Approaching the black hole in 5 phases 07 APR 14
Operation Phase
Establish and conduct routine monitoring procedures for:
Specifications and OOS handling
Material cost per test X frequency
Labor: time at PR, LC and QS levels X frequency
Failures and product cost
Development Phase
Material cost per test X frequency
Labor: time at PR, LC and QS levels X frequency
Validation Cycle
Define Quality Attributes
Establish Preliminary Method, Procedures and Validation Protocol
Method Validation
Note book study yields preliminary data
Refine, finalize method, procedures and validation protocol
Execute, collect data, complete validation
Operation and Routine Monitoring
Long term
Change Control and Periodic Validation
Writing and Editing
II C: Validation
Micro Efficacy of Steam Sterilization
II C: Routine Monitoring of Micro for Steam Sterilized Article
Determine test procedure
Establish final test method and validation protocol
Determine test frequency
- Daily/weekly/Monthly/Semi-annually with Steam Sterilization validation
Execution of validation
Assessment of non-confirming data and its impact on steam sterilization process, validation, product disposition (more frequent test will lower the product risk, increase cost)
Compile Organize Data
Review and Editing
Validation Report, assessment of organisms recovered comparing to Steam Sterilization organism
- QS working with LC
- Summarize each project
Write VMF
II A: Description of Process and Product
II D2: Routine Monitoring of Micro WFI
Determine test procedure
Determine test frequency
- Weekly $100 per week=$20/day
II B: Thermo Qualification of cycles
Assessment of non-confirming data and its impact on steam sterilization process, validation, product disposition (more frequent test will lower the product risk, increase cost)
-Detection of leaking valve, put 3 weeks of product in quarantine
II D2: EM WFI Bioburden
II C: Develop Micro Efficacy of Sterilization Cycle
Establish final test method and validation protocol
Level V 30 hours
Level VI 8 hours = $1600
Define Attributes
Execution of validation
- Semi internal
- All external
- Semi internal
- All external
$100 per day X 5 X 52 weeks = $26000
-Determine attributes based on regulatory & industry knowledge, manufacturing process, form validation parameters
Preliminary Method & Procedure selection
II G: Sterility testing methods and release criteria
Validation Report
Level V 40 hr, level VI 8 hr = $2000
- Semi internal
- All external
- Semi internal
- All external
-Method selection, example, TSA, SDA, R2A plate count or swab Technique. Develop sampling and testing method, possible validation for recovery rate for organism recovery and quantity recovery, could be a combination of many, elect method(s) for notebook study
Note Book Study
- Semi internal
- All external
- Semi internal
- All external
- Material and equipment instrument requirement
Set time period, carry out of validation with method selected. Determine whether using method selected will acceptable result.
-If not, identify root cause, propose corrective actions.
-If validation success can be assured, proceed to validation
III B 2:
Packaging of the Product
II F: Endotoxin Test and Method
II D2: Mirco EM, WFI Bioburden
Define Attributes
-Determine attributes based on regulatory & industry knowledge, manufacturing process, form validation parameters
- Semi internal 1 month
- All external
- Semi internal -LC Level III 20hr, Level VI 10 hr $1000- $150 from EPC
- All external
Order a book $150
Preliminary Method & Procedure selection
- Time - All internal 3 month
- Semi internal
- All external
- Resource - All internal -LC level III 60hr, Level VI 20 hr $2500
- Semi internal
- All external
-Method selection, membrane filteration. Develop sampling and testing method, possible validation for recovery rate for organism recovery and quantity recovery, could be a combination of many, elect method(s) for notebook study
Note Book Study
Planning Phase
- Time - All internal level III 2.5 hr per day, three months = $7760
- Semi internal
- All external
- Semi internal
- All external
- Material and equipment instrument requirement -new pump $2300
-test supply $36 per day = $4860
Set time period, carry out of validation with method selected. Determine whether using method selected will acceptable result.
-If not, identify root cause, propose corrective actions.
-If validation success can be assured, proceed to validation
Form a general plan to determine
Decision we make here will significantly impact all the following steps
Project Identification
$$$$ Prior and post submission
- Identify and understand the requirements of items in VMF
II D1: Bioburden of Bulk
Need to have an over all understanding of needs
Micro rapid test?
- Identify various current stage of items covered in VMF
To reduce/eliminate challenges and gaps may face when DMF is reviewed by FDA
-A firm instead of an individual
-Needs detail understanding of requirements
-Long term commitment
-Help in planning assessment, the earlier the better
-Method selection
-Review before and after critical steps
-Compile/review DMF, content and format, submission
-Has some GMP understanding
Internal -Existing
-New staff
External - Consultant
- Contract labs
- Formulate the course of mitigation
Based on above
new/change in facility equipment,
human - time and rate
Accumulation of overall work scope
From the start to finish
III B # : Radiation dose map
Take longer
Learning curve
Assurance of successful submission is lot
May not be $ saving after all
Maybe the best option
- utilize internal and external expertise
- give flexibility, control,
- Retain knowledge
- Team collaboration
Team on site
Significant cost
NTI still have to make hard decisions
Not very practical - space, retention of knowledge, less control
May or may not save significant time
All external
II E: Container-Closure Packaging Integrity
VMF Submission
III B 4: Radiation Microbial Methods and controls
III B 1: Radiation Process
FDA Review Time
Regulatory Fees
A parallel path to the black hole
III B 5: Sterile Article Expiration date