Issues in Policing
Successful Recruiting Practices
Police Recruitment & Selection
- the exercise of individual judgement instead of formal rules
- Public Safety Officers
- Police Cadets
- HS Tech Prep Programs
- Police Corps
The 3 I's
Police Recruitment & Selection
Controlling Corruption
- Some of the more successful recruiting practices have included going to colleges, neighborhood centers, and schools in minority communities; using t.v., radio and newspaper advertisements; and working with local employment offices.
Qualities of a Successful Police Officer
- Intelligence
- Integrity
- Interaction Skills
- High Moral Standards
- Police Policies & Discipline
- Uniform Enforcement of the Law
The Police Selection Process
- Honesty
- Motivation for a police career
- Normal self-assertiveness
- Emotional stability under stress
- Sensitivity towards minority groups
- Collaborative leadership skills
- Physical strength & endurance
Police Recruitment Process
- Short Application
- Detailed Application
- Medical Examination
- Physical Ability Test
- Written Exam
- Background Investigation
- Oral Interview
- Academy Training
- Probation
- The reasons for the increased difficulty in finding good police candidates involve social maturity and lifestyle issues (problems with drugs and alcohol, sexually transmitted diseases, personal dept, and dependability have reduced the number of qualified police applicants).
- The major goal of the recruiting effort is to cast police work as an attractive and sustaining career, even to those who might initially be turned off by it.
SPO #2
Factors Affecting Discretion
Job Stress
- Nature of the Crime
- Department Policies
- Relationship btwn Victim & Offender
- Amount of Evidence
- Preference of Victim
- Demeanor of Suspect
- Legitimacy of Victim
- Socioeconomic Status
Stress Management & Reduction
- Stress Management- discussing stressful events with mental health professional, regular exercise, & a healthy diet
- Organizational Change- given more discretion in determining hours & shifts
Chapter Objectives
Patrol Officer Discretion
- full enforcement- practice in which the police make an arrest
- selective enforcement- practice of relying on the judgement of the police leadership & rank-and-file officers to decide which laws to enforce.
According to surveys, the American public
is generally satisfied with the quality of the service the police provide. Police applicants go through several different kinds of testing to become law enforcement officers. Factors that affect the exercise of police discretion include the nature of the crime, departmental policies, etc. Two general ways that law enforcement agencies can reduce job stress for police officers are (1) to employ stress management strategies, and (2) to implement organizational change. But, as with most services, the public believes there is room for improvement.
- Identify factors that affect the exercise of police discretion.
- The general attitude of the public towards the police.
- Describe two general ways that law enforcement agencies can reduce stress on the job.
- 3 I's of Police Selection
Police & The Public!
Public Attitudes Toward the Police
- The opinion people have about the police depends on what and whom you're asking. Also, their past experiences with the police.
- It all depends on how quickly they respond to calls for help, preventing crimes, being helpful and friendly, treating people fairly and not using excessive force.
- In short, a majority of the public has at least some confidence in the ability of the police.
Police Corruption
There are many types of police corruption throughout America. Within that, there are two types of officers involved in police corruption.
- Grass Eaters: officers who engage in illegal activities, accepting small favors or money.
- Meat Eaters: officers who actively seek ways to make money illegally while on duty.
Types of Corruption
- Bribery
- Extortion
- Favoritism
- Mooching
- Perjury
- Prejudice
Chapter 7! Policing America: Issues & Ethics!
By: Alia Box & Anna Majercak