by Jeremy Robertson
Fun facts
1. Stonefish can stay out of water for HOURS!!!!!!!!
2. Clown fish avoid the Fire Anemone because its sting is too harsh even with the clown fish special coating!!!!
3. Sharks are predators that are
seen there alot. They don't have
their homes there but they visit
to eat there.
3. The Stonefish sting hurts so much that pouring almost-boiling water on it makes it feel better!
Second Animal: Clownfish
Coral Reef
5. Animals that live in the coral reef are evolving by having better disguises by camouflaging the way they look and having defensive venom.
4. It is always warm.
Even at night.
1. Coral Reefs are along the coastlines and are homes to many species of animals
Shelter for the Clown fish
Clown fish have a special slimy layer on their skin that protects them from the stinging of the sea anemone.
Species: percula
Genus: amphimprion
Family: clown anemone fish
Order: perciformes
Class: actinopterygii
Phylum: chordata
Kingdom: animalia
2. Coral reefs are packed
with lots of different living animals
Before it moves in, the clown fish does a dance with the sea anemone so they can get used to each other.
Clown fish
The clown fish waits in between the sea anemone. The clown fish attracts the little fish with its bright color, the sea anemone stings the fish. The clown fish then eats the fish and the sea anemone eats the leftover bits.
How the clownfish
gets its food...
First Animal:
Third animal:
The "Harpooner"
1. venom in its spines
2. camouflaged to look like a rock
3. when threatened it sticks up its 13 spines.
Clownfish Food
How the stonefish
deals with predators...
How the clown fish deals with predators....
The clown fish stays in between the stinging anemones for protection. It doesn't stray far from it.
The Clownfish eats crustaceans and algae
- no air sacs in its body like other fish, so it can stay on the bottom
- they have fins to dig into sand to cover themselves in sand
The stonefish eats shrimp and other small fish.
What the stonefish uses to get its food...
- poisonous spikes
- stone camouflage
It is four feet long, with shimmery,
sharp red scales. The harpooner has a
long,spearlike nose that injects venom. It can project its jaws outward to grab prey that is
farther away. The red color
is a warning.
- does not stalk its prey
- waits by lumpy rocks so it looks like the rock
- Ambush/ poisons its victim
- makes a vacuum with its mouth and sucks in the poisoned prey
How the stonefish gets its food...
The harpooner uses its spear to stab its prey and poison it. Once poisoned, its jaws reach out and grab its prey with vampirelike teeth,
How it gets its food...
Harpooner's Food and Shelter
kingdom: animalia
phylum: chordata
class: actinopterygii
family: synanceliidae
genus: synanceia
species: verrucosa
- a venomous spear
- vampirelike teeth
What the harpooner uses to get its food...
The harpooner will find cover in a reef and will kick out any other animals in the spot it wants to hide.